chapter 1

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scott POV

(6 years later)

me and mitch are now married, we still live in L.A. it wasnt the best wedding but it meant a lot to us.

"babe, pass me the cheese!" mitch said in his drunken state. it was our 5fth year anniversary tomorrow. 5 years with this beautiful man. 5 years since his amazing proposal. i still cant get my head around the way he captured me, how we soared through the clouds. everytime i look into his eyes i see the love i saw he had for me that day when he proposed. the glint had never changed.

i guess this is true love.

"as long as you promise not to drink tomorrow, we have to celebrate the reason to why we are together remember....kirstie." he nodded his head, and got up to turn up the music. he grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me up to dance. he is rediculous when he is drunk. but amazingly cute

everytime i remember kirstie, i feel as if she is close, even though i wasnt close to her as mitch was, i always feel as if she is around. like she is listening, she is in most of my dreams and when i think of her i always think that she will.....nevermind.

"we should head to bed now, its nearly midnight."

"EXACTLY!" he said loudly "i am waiting for midnight!" he smiled, "i'm not that drunk...i have my own surprise planned for you babe, so shhh" he said pressing his fingers onto my lips "and dance with me!"


"3...2...1....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BABE!" mitch shouted as the clock struck midnight.

"happy anniversary.!" i replied pulling him into a hug.

" have to drink!" he poured a glass of wine. "to 5 beautiful years..."

"together" we both said in unison before we downed our drink.

"okay, time for my surprise, wait a sec" he said getting up and walking towards the drawer. he pulled out a paper and handed it to me.

"what is it?" i asked

"open it you idiot and see!" he said in an amused tone.

"okay" i chuckled, i set me glass down and open the letter. my mouth dropped open when i read what was written on it.

"you know how you wanted to adopt a child, and i kept saying not yet...because i wanted to wait for the right time...which! now!"

"no.." i said in disbelief, tears streaming down my cheeks, i put my hand over my mouth. "no you didnt!"

"oh yes i did, our appointement is tomorrow, so instead of telling me not to drink, you.." his voice starting to sound seductive "should try and not drown in tears. okay." he planted a quick kiss on my lips before going to the bedroom, before he went in he looked back.

"coming or not?" he was biting his lips, and soon i was doing the same, but rushing off to join him, i dragged him inside and shut the door.


it was the morning of the day we were going to the adoption centre, and i was feeling really pumped about this. for some reason i really want a little girl. i mean i don't mind a boy... but something is telling me a girl is the best choice.

we were walking to the adoption centre, which was only a few minutes away from where we live. i was walking so fast that i had to stop sometimes to get mitch to catch up.

"you need to chill, our appointment is in 10 minutes, it takes five minutes to get there..we will be on time." mitch said behind me.

"im sorry, but you dont know how long i have been waiting for this"

"oh i know, 5 years of you telling me that we should adopt, thats a long time." he smirked.

we finally reached the centre and i stormed right inside, and mitch came walking inside soon after, i walked up to the reception and handed the letter, she typed some stuff onto her computer before calling someone. we waited for another 15 minutes.

"excuse me sir, if you could please follow me, this way." a lady signalled us towards some doors.

"this is it." mitch whispered

"oh my..." reality just hit me, we are going to have a child. a child that we are going to raise together, this aint no small deal, its another life, that will make 2 lives that i will care and love. my hands start shaking, but then i feel mitch's hand in mine, and i feel a bit more clm, but that doesnt ignore the fact the fact i am going to be a dad.

we walk through the door and into an office. the lady told us to sit. we did as we were told.

"i am going to have to ask you questions, dont worry it's just to make sure that when we are giving you the child, that they are in safe hands"

"okay, thats fine." mitch said, i'm thankful he spoke because i am too nervous to even open my mouth. he is taking this all to well.

"great, so did you bring your criminal records, and proof of your identity, anything ranging from passport to drivers licence anything."

"yes, here..." mitch said leaning in to hand our criminal records, and birth certificates. he leaned back in his seat, placing his hand back in mine.

"does you mother happen to be connie hoying?" she was talking to me...

"yes..." i replied

"why didnt you tell me before, she was such a lovely person, she used to be my best fr, im sure you are no better. we can put these aside, im sure you''ll be a lovely father. come with me." she said with a smile.

we walked through the another pair of doors and we were welcomed by childrens playing together, some drawing together on a table, there ws one child that was drawing on the wall, he was soon stopped by a collegue. there was a another child passed out on the floor, she was then taken upstairs. but there was a girl in the corner that caught my attention, she was writting in a book, i guess it was a diary or something. she didnt look that small like the rest of the kids, about 15-ish i dont know. but something was telling me to pick her.

"can i meet that girl." i asked the lady, who's smile slowly faded, into a concerned look as she looked to see who i was pointing at.

i wonder whats wrong?




first chapter of the sequel hope you like it!

oh and to clear out somet hings in the last book, the guy (avalan) who killed kirstie, was basically avi.... just saying.

thats it. basically... boop boop...boop


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