I - cappuccino

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It was just one hour ever since I came here from the Philippines. I'm homesick and jet lag as fuck. I miss my dad. Even if he's cold but when we're together he seems like the best father the world could offer. Dad has never been strict with me. He gives me the freedom I want because he knows I could handle myself very well.

Ever since mom and dad divorced when I was five I learned to shelter myself from people. Just like dad did. He was not this cold before, well as far as I remember. He was the loving father that most of the people have. But then everything changed when my parents separated. I don't even know the reason. All I know was I would never see my mom and my twin sister being with me and my dad as a family.

Mom and psyche, my twin sister, flew to London and lived around Europe while me and dad settled in Asia. I guess mom went to her side of the family since most of my moms relatives are in Europe. I actually haven't met them all. I don't know what's the issue but dad always shruggs it off. When I ask about my grandparents on my mother's side my dad would just change the subject. I guess they're on bad terms? I don't care. I mean as long as I have my gramps and lola that's okay. If they don't like me and my dad, who the fuck cares? I can have a perfect family with just me, dad and my gramps and lola. Just us. Well me and Psyche are sisters but we're not that close as most sisters are. We were separated since we were five and never really had time to bond with each other.

Psyche would go in the Philippines during summer. And during her vacation I have classes and I don't usually stay at home since I have my own flat near school so we barely have time to bond. And besides I value hers and dads time together since they have a lot of catching up to do. While on my side, I go to Europe every summer and sadly Psyche stays in an all girls boarding school so whenever I'm at their home, Psyche wasn't there. It has always been like that and I don't really have issues on it.

I just hate staying at my moms place when Grandad and Granma are there. They seem to talkshit about dad. So that's mostly the reason why I chose to not visit mom for like three years. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate mom because she still is my mom and second, I don't know the whole story so I can't take sides. I still call mom though. I like calls and videocalls much more because we both have privacy on what we talk about. Unlike staying there with the people I hate and hearing them interfere with our conversation.

I mean I don't hate my mom. I hate her parents. Period. I have nothing against my sister, she's just too opposite of me. Whenever we're put into a room, everyone would literally compare us and I hate being called as the blacksheep. I do have achievements. The same level as my sister. Actually I'm higher than her. She always go second because of some chick I forgot. But she did mention her rival, I think it was samantha or something like sophie or sonia? Nevermind, i dont care. Main point is, the people compare us based on our differences without even knowing us both.

Anyways, I just got here in Los Angeles. Im thinking of taking medschool here or probably in Europe if everything goes out of plan. Well my sister would also take medschool but she'd stay in UK or maybe stay with dad in the Philippines. The last time we talked, she did consider staying with dad for medschool since she considers it as an opportunity to catch up and spend time with each other. And that was what I kinda have in plan too. If anything goes off with the LA plan then I have no choice but to stay with mom in UK. I hope there would still be available dorms if I did plan to stay in UK. God knows how I hated my grandparents.

Back in LA, I was on my way to a french cafe near the hotel I was staying. This was one of the hotel branches that my mom is currently managing. Well my moms side was actually much wealthier than my dad. Dad's business was all about cars, since his passion is engineering, basically building and creating cars. While my moms business was all about hotels and resorts around Europe. And they're currently still expanding in US.

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