VI - Sangrian Kiss

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I woke up quite early today. I've never been up around 5 in the morning. I mean during summer I always wake up around 10 am or maybe a little late. I went out into the balcony, its still quite dark. I shivered as I felt the cold breeze on my body. I contemplated on should I shower or not because god knows how we hate cold showers in the morning. I went back a minute after being cold and lay on the bed for awhile.

I stared at the ceiling and was mesmerised by the chandelier that hung above me. It was quite magical, seeing too much colors and diamonds at the same time. The precious gems, I recall were rubies, jade and some other colorful and expensive stones.

I thought of the house back home. It was just simple. No extravagant chandeliers but a couple of expensive classy and modern stuffs. The technologies were advance. Well mom wanted to invest in those kind of homes. Which I liked. The house which adapts to the mood of the person who lives in it. Where you could ask alexa whatever questions you want to and ask her to do whatever stuffs you need to. I mean that's our home back to where I lived in.

And this house was just so different that every corner and every space that it takes, attracts me in every way.

After taking a quick shower I went out and pulled on a black hoodie. I figured it was nice to explore the house without feeling cold. The hallways were huge, with some 8 feet tall statues of greek gods and mythological creatures. And what I loved about this statues were the vines of fruits that were there. The ceiling too were full of vines but with only one kind of fruit which are the grapes and what's enticing about it are the fairy lights that hung along with it.

My attention where brought back to the walls, I've never seen an orange which grew into a vine, because the last time I checked it grows in a tree but I think Mrs. Sy was so into gardening that she learned how to graft the vines of the fruits and made it possible to decorate it on the statues and on the bricked walls of the hallway.

Believe it or not, the fruits in the vines are real and are edible. I looked closely into the vines where alot of fruits where growing. And to see it moist and plump, I've confirmed that its true. It looks so good and all you need to do is just pick one, clean it and eat it.

I was in deep thought as I admired the great gardening skills of a person to be able to make these amazing things come to life. A minute later I was shocked as some sort of water started falling from the walls, which I believed is an electric powered waterfall which then nurtures the vines from the statues.

Interesting. I thought to myself as I continued to walk down through wherever this path leads me to.

The dim lights of the hallway were now slowly fading as I got close into the exit of this path. I looked around as I got out and started walking a little more.

There were two large muscular minotaurs whom I believed was a little too tall from the statues inside, they were both holding a torch into its chest which I thanked god it wasnt lit by fire because who knows how dangerous it is to leave a living fire outside with some vines just meters from it. I looked at it closely and admired whoever carved and mold this statue, it wasn't like how the greeks pictured it as terrifying but instead it had a muscular body and a head of a bull, a peaceful bull that's why it isn't that scary. It's eyes flickered, as I looked closely into it, I was shocked as it looked back at me. I immediately ran out onto the grass field quite terrified as to why a statue would look back at me. I was still running as I entered a somewhat forest to nowhere, all I knew was that the minotaur stared back at me. It was quite scary. It spooked me so much that I was out of breath running deep into the woods.

I was welcomed once again by statues of a couple of sirens into a beautiful lake surrounded by pure white sand. It was indeed fascinating as I saw a group of sirens at one corner of the deep transparent blue green waters, playing and laughing, and a bunch of them were submerged into the water into one corner, with its upper body above the water, like it was getting out of the water. Alot of different species of fish swam with the sirens below it. There were also statues under water which looked like they were swimming with the school of fishes.

Loving Scythe AmbroseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon