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Yesterday evening Brook and I texted so much. I was up so long but it doesn't matter because it's weekend.

After breakfast I do my math and english homework. At least I don't have to learn for something because my next exam is not that close to today.

Afterwards I meet up with Emma. We listen to covers by roadtrip and I (like everytime I listen to covers by them) nearly die. These boys are honestly angels! (But like honestly I love them soooo much. They are hot and cute at the same time [how does this even work?] And like every time I watch a cover by them I just can't breath bc of their looks and vocals!)

In the evening I go home and Molly asks if we can watch Netflix. So I put on Netflix on my Laptop and we watch a film. Then we go to bed.

Today happened pretty much nothing. It was really boring. I did nothing at all but still feel exhausted. So I think I'll go to bed early today. Brook and I texted really much the last days. So that was at least exciting. But keeping it a secret from everyone even Emma is tough.

Please tell me what you think

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