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I ignored Brooklyn. Completely! For nearly a month now. It was now a month before graduation. Then I'm free! James wants to go to the UK and live there. And Emma is probably going with him. Well I'm just gonna stay here and go to university?

Emma, James and I all were at mine to study for our final exams. At least we only have one ahead us. We already did the others and I was pretty good. The only thing strange is Emma and James' behavior. They both behave strange since a week or something. I really want to know why but everytime I ask they just say 'oh nothing' and shake it off.

The next few days passed by uneventful. It was pretty boring. Just learning, meeting with Emma and/or James, watching TV with or without my family and so on. Really boring!

But then my last final exam came. I went to school and it actually went good but I didn't expect different as I learnt really much the last days. Mostly to get my mind off Brooklyn or Emma and James' strange behavior. But at least I got a good grade!

The same afternoon I went home and Emma came with me again. We just sat in my room and Emma said she invited James over. About ten minutes later the doorbell rang. I got up to open the door. I ran downstairs, opened the door and expected to see James. But it wasn't James! It was....

Brooklyn? I shut my eyes and opened them again but it was still Brooklyn.

Cliffhanger 😅. Hope you like the story.

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