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Right in the morning I get a text from Brook.

Brooky❤️: 'Hi gorgeous'
I blush because of that and write back.
Me: 'Hey Brooky 💕'
Brooky❤️: 'You going to school today?xx'
Me: 'Yes 😒 xx'
Brooky❤️: 'When are you off? x'
Me: 'Really late. At 5p.m. x'
Brooky❤️: 'Oh okay. Have fun 😘x'
Me: 'Thanks xx'

Then I go to school.
Nothing exciting happened in school. At the moment I'm home in my room. I decide to write Brook.

Me: 'Hey Brooky what did you do today? xx'
Brooky❤️: 'Nothing much. Working in the house and vloging xx'
Me: 'Oh cool 😊💕x'

My mum made dinner so I go downstairs to eat. After dinner Molly and I both go to my room. We watch a little bit Netflix but go to sleep soon because of school tomorrow. I fall asleep and dream about Brooklyn. Oh how I wish to be his.

Hope you like this part. Love ya 💕. Palsyotfs

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