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A/N: I'm gonna change the writing stile a bit now.

After Brook asked me to be his girlfriend I was so happy. The next day in school Emma and James asked me why but I wasn't sure if I should tell them because Brook said I shouldn't tell anyone about me having his phone number. So I assumed I better not tell them and I'll ask him. That day he FaceTimed me in the evening.

Brook: "Hey Babe"
Me: "Hey Brooky"
Brook: "Just wanted to know how my favourite girl is doing"
I blushed at that and said: "I'm doing good, you?"
Brook: "Yea I'm good too. Little bit exhausted with the house"
Me: "Oh yea how's the house? Still standing?"
He giggled his cute laugh: "Yes it actually looks pretty cool"

We talked for a while. When the Fall came to an end I decided that now was the time to ask.
"Hey umm Brook?", I said.
He answered: "Yes Babe?"
I asked him: "Well um can I tell Emma about us?"
"Oh um yea sure. Just please don't tell it everyone. Maybe just tell Emma and your family if you want.", he said.
"Yes okay and can I tell James too?", I asked.
"Yes sure", Brook responded.
"Okay thank you Brooky", I said.
And he answered: "No problem Babe"

I still blushed about the nickname. After a few more minutes I needed to go downstairs and eat dinner with my family. "Bye Babe", I said, he answered with: "Bye y/n, I'll call you soon" and then he hung up.

I went downstairs and we ate and then watched TV all together. A little bit later my dad said: "Molly, y/n please go to bed. You have school tomorrow." We both went upstairs and got ready for bed.

As soon as I came to school the next day I ran to Emma and James. "Guess what!", I shouted happily.
"What?", they both asked.
"I have a boyfriend now!!", I say excited.
"Omg really?", Emma shouted.
"Yes but you gotta keep it a secret.", I said seriously.
James asked me confused: "What why?"
"Umm it's Brooklyn and we don't want the Roadies to know by now.", I replied.
"What? As in Brooklyn Wyatt your idol from Roadtrip?", Emma asked me. "Yesss he asked me to be his girlfriend on FaceTime", I told her.
They both asked at the same time: "You FaceTimed with him?" So I told them that he gave me his number but that they needed to keep that a secret too.

Then we heard the bell ring and all went to class. But I really couln't concentrate on biology at the moment. All I could think about was Brooklyn. His beautiful green eyes, his cute noodle hair and his angelic voice. "Y/n what is the answer on my question?", the teacher snapped me out of my trance. "Uhh sorry professor, I didn't listen", I said quickly. "Yea I thought so. Please concentrate y/n", the teacher said. I just nodded and looked at the black bord.

^^I wrote this when he still had noodles so bare with it. Hope you like it.

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