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The next few weeks were super. I actually wasn't that bad in school, I got quite good grades. I had an exam in english and a test in history. I got a B on both. And last week I had an exam in math... well I got a C but that's okay I suppose.

Emma, James and I hung out a lot. We made our homework, went to the cinema or to the park and just did stupid things at home. Jemma is honestly the cutest couple ever!

Brook and I talked on the phone every day. He always called or FaceTimed me at about 6 in the evening which is 5 p.m. for him. We always talked about how much we missed each other and how we wished to just hug the other.

Flash Back:
My phone rings. Brook is calling me. Actually he's FaceTiming me. I answer my phone and his beautiful face lits up on my screen.
"Hey gorgeous", he says.
"Hey Babe, how you doing?", I ask.
"Quite good but I miss you so much", Brook tells me.
"I miss you too Brooky. More than you'll ever know", I say.
Suddendly Rye bursts into Brooks room.
"Oh sorry didn't know you were on FaceTime. Oh hey y/n", he says.
"Hi Rye", I say.
Rye sits down next to Brook and says: "He talks so much about you. Like literally we hear about you every day." Brook and I both blush.
"Y/n is so beautiful. Have you seen her? She is so cute! I miss her so much!", Rye says acting like he is Brook. Brook and I both just blush more.

Also once, that was actually funny, he FaceTimed me when I was at Emma's.

Flash Back:
"Hey Baby", he says, then he sees that I'm not in my room or somewhere else in my house because the background looks different.
That's why he asks: "Y/n where are you?" Did he just sound jealous? Aww that's so cute.
"Oh I'm just at Emma's", I answer.
"Hey Brook", Emma waves.

My parents supported me as good as possible and they loved Brooklyn. They met him a few days after I told them that I had a boyfriend (well on FaceTime so it's not really meeting). It all went perfect until...

Cliffhanger sorry. Not sorry🤷😂. Also double update. ❤️

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