Chapter 2

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Stampy's POV

The team (Anna is now officially part of the team; she's acceptable in combat) and I are walking around Minecraftia, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

We've moved to the outskirts of main Minecraftia after we escaped the dark void.

"OH, A CANDY SHOP!! CAN WE GET CANDY?? CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE?!" Sarah asks as she jumps on top of everyone.

"Fine, as long as we can get-" I start.

"CAKE!!!" the team screams as we all burst into laughter.

We enter the candy shop and we all get a bag and fill it up with candy while Endy gets a bag for Creep. Of course, Lee starts to make some cakes and gives one to everyone in the shop.

We start to walk around the boardwalk where there's a carnival while eating our candy, as happy as can be.

We all come to a dock and sit on the edge, looking at the sunset.

"Hey, remember that first day we were transported here and we met Squid and Stampy?" Sarah asks Peggy.

"Oh, yeah, you should've seen your face! You were freaking out when we saw them!" Peggy replies and laughs.

"I remember that day," I say as I sigh.

"Hey, watch this," Ty says and snickers.

Ty becomes invisible as we all wear confused faces.

Ty reappears next to Peggy, making her jump as Ty snatches the candy from her hand and plops it in his mouth.

Peggy pushes Ty into the water, and I can't help but laugh.

As Ty surfaces from the lake, he gives Peggy and fake glare, trying not to smile.

Ty teleports back onto the dock as Lee makes him a cake towel.

He hands Ty the towel as Ty looks at him funny.

"Oh, it's fine! Don't worry, you won't become a cake," Lee says as we all chuckle.

Ty wraps the towel around his shivering body and sits next to Peggy.

Anna uses her fire powers to dry Ty off faster.

"Hey, how long has it been since we were transported here, besides Anna, of course," Squid asks.

"Three years," Amy sighs.

"Three awesome years," Endy says.

"Three drama-filled years," Creep says.

I think about Creep's sentence.

All the drama. All the pain. But it's gave me thicker skin. It's made me a warrior.

Now I'm a warrior.

Now I've got thicker skin.

You can never hurt me again.

We're warriors.

"I remember when Squid and I were possessed for the second time. That was even worse than the first time. Remember that, Squid?" I ask.

Squid slightly nods.

"Oh, yeah. I remember that. That's when I discovered one of my powers," Squid points out.

"Well, I think that's what made you and I stronger. We went for one month without seeing our friends and being trapped in an endless loop of each other's videos. That and the fact that we've came across death lots of times," I point out.

"So the bad experiences make you stronger," Amy says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Loves it," I hear her whisper which makes everyone burst into laughter, causing her to blush.

We watch the sunset and its colors of orange, yellow, blue, purple, and finally ending at midnight blue.

"I think we should go home, we don't want anything bad to happen!" Squid jokes.

"Squid! Don't jinx us!!" Amy yells.

Squid puts his arms up in defeat.

"Come on, let's go," I say.

We all get up and start to walk home. We decide not to teleport home, we want to take in the beautiful nature around us.

It was a fun day.

A fun week? Not really. A fun month? Not at all. But I've said too much.

I don't want to spoil the unbelievable event that is to come. But hey, in Minecraft, the unbelievable is the believable.

And the impossible is the possible.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now