Chapter 17

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Stampy's POV

June 18th

My eyes snap open with a start. They dart across this place I am in. "Hello?" I call out as I try to stand up. Nothing.

I start to take in my surroundings. I'm in a dark void.... that's about it. I see something. It looks like a purple orb.

My feet are glued in one spot. I don't dare walk towards the little purple whisp of magic.

"What's left of us," it whispers.

This must be Lee's vision. I guess everyone else is by themselves, too, watching his vision.

The darkness fades into a scene. Minecraftia. It's in perfect harmony. But those orbs, they come in and leave total destruction in their paths. Minecraftia, it's now in ruins. The orbs are killing innocent people.

One of the people in Minecraftia look oddly familiar. The gamertag. Stampylongnose.

Stampylongnose was slain by the unknown.

No. Is this the future? I watch as the figure dies, the purple orb laughing. I notice another figure, too. She looks oddly familiar. What's her name?

I look at me in the vision, now dead, in pools of crimson blood. I see a giant calendar appear next to me. A date pops out at me. 24. June 24th.

A giant clock appears next to the calendar. 3:10pm. Today is June 18th. 4:27pm.

If I'm correct, then on June 24th at 3:10pm, Minecraftia will be gone.

The vision slowly fades away. I blink, and I'm back in reality. I look at my surroundings.

I'm back in the house. In Minecraftia. In real life. In the lies. But I just found out the truth.


Future: 0

Or so I thought.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now