Chapter 21

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Squid's POV

June 21st

I wake up feeling fresh. We've set up another campsite yesterday.

I get out of my sleeping bag and tent and I start to make breakfast for the team.

I groggily trudge over to the furnace, yawning.

I put in... let's see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and including me, ten.

Ten steaks to cook and eleven buckets of milk to get. Well, more like nine steaks. Stampy, of course, wants Lee to give him his cake for breakfast.

"Hello, Fido! Hello, Ocean-" I start to say.

But they're not here.

I forgot. We left the dogs at the house, but we gave them enough food and water. I sigh. I really miss my dogs.

I make myself some coffee- yes, we have coffee in Minecraft, and yes, I brought some along our mission- and I hover over the furnace, waiting for my breakfast.

I start to eat my steak as everyone comes out of their tents. First Peggy.

"Hey, Peggy," I greet her. "Good morning," she says, yawning.

I smile deviously with an idea. I get a bucket out of my inventory and I go over to a nearby lake. I fill it up with water.

I sneak back over to Peggy and I dump the water on her head, waking her up.

"Squid!!" She yells, waking the others up.

"Never gets old." I sigh. Peggy looks confusedly at me. "Oh, yeah, about that...." I nervously laugh.

"When Lee tried to find me after I ran away, he passed out and I poured a bucket of water on his head to wake him up. Also I almost decided not to come back. I'm sorry!" I quickly say, my words not even understandable.

Peggy still looks at me, confused. I sigh and I close my eyes. I say it again, slower this time.

When I open my eyes, I notice everyone on the team looking at me in shock, including Lee; he didn't know I almost decided not to come back and to run away forever. I look down at the floor in shame.

"I-I'm sorry," I manage to choke out.

I look up and se everyone just staring at me. I guess they all woke up. Sarah steps forward.

"Why? Why were you almost never going to come back?" she squeaks, making my heart break.

"I don't knew. I just can't stand knowing that we might all die," I stammer.

"It'll be okay. Look, running away isn't the answer. You can't change the future by running away. You can change it by facing it," Sarah says. I nod my head.

"But I just don't want you all to die!" I yell.

"It's okay, Squid. We'll be fine. Whether or not we win this battle, running away isn't the answer," she tells me. I nod.

"Come on, we should pack up camp and start looking for any suspicious activity," Anna says.

I slowly and hesitantly nod my head.

We all pack up the camp.

Before we leave our spot, I think, We'll win for sure.

Boy, was I wrong....

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now