Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV

June 6th

He's gone. Squid. He just disappeared without a trace of where he has gone.

Stampy and Peggy are searching for Squid in the forest, while the rest of us stay home. We have sent a message to main Minecraftia, telling all of the Minecraftians about Squid's disappearance, and we're staying by the phones 24/7 for any calls about Squid.

Right now I'm in Lee's room- the whole team is, except for Stampy, Peggy, and of course Squid- holding his limp paw in my shaking hand.

He's still unconscious. I'm worried. We've all been. Worried for Squid, Lee, and our future.


I'm still in Lee's room, weakly grasping onto his paw. I can feel it start to slip away from my fingers, but I struggle to keep my hold. In fact, I can feel his life slip away, but he's struggling to keep his hold. The rest of the team but Sky, Peggy, and of course Squid, aren't here.

"We're never going to find him, are we?" I whisper.

Endy walks over to me and brings me into a hug.

"We'll find him. And we won't stop until we do," Endy reassures me as he gives me one last squeeze. I nod my head.

Stampy and Peggy burst into the room, startling everyone.

"Did you find him?" Ty eagerly asks.

Stampy shakes his head, barely visible to see. Peggy sighs.

I hear Ty shakily sigh. I shut my eyes as tight as I can.

I whisper, "We'll find him."

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now