Chapter 16

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Peggy's POV

June 18th

I anxiously wait for Lee's return. Did he find Squid? Or is he lost forever?

Sarah sits next to me at the table in the kitchen.

"I know you miss Squid. We all do. He's our best friend," she whispers. I nod my head.

I look over my shoulder to notice Stampy walk by, obviously more depressed than we are.

"Stampy?" I ask. He looks at me.

I immediately get up from my chair and embrace Stampy in a hug. My eyes blur slightly. I hear the faint sound of a door opening and closing, and Lee stampedes into the room.

"Hey, I'm back- what's going on?!" Lee exclaims as he looks at the condition we're in.

"We're all still upset about Squid's disappearance, obviously," Stampy explains, his voice shaky as he glares at Lee. Lee holds his arms up in surrender.

"I have something that might make you feel better," Lee says with a slight smirk.

I hear a door open and close.

"Oh, yeah, what's going to make us feel better when we're crying for Squid-" I start.

But I don't finish. I can't. "Found him." Lee smirks. I nod. Right in front of me is Squid.

I start crying even more, but these cries are tears of joy.

I run up to Squid and tackle him in a hug, nearly knocking us both to the ground.

"I've missed you," I tell him. "I've missed you, too," he says.

I pull apart from the hug, smiling. He's beaming, too. I suddenly slap him across the face, my own face souring.

"Don't you ever do that again!" I scold him. Squid holds his check and nods as I help him up off the ground.

Everyone comes in the room, hearing the commotion. Their eyes grow wide and one by one they greet Squid, some hugging him, some shaking his hand, and he even got another slap or two.

"Where were you??" I ask him as we all take a seat around the kitchen.

"I was hiding up in a tree in the forest," Squid says, looking down.

"Why?" I simply ask, even though I might know. I just want him to say it.

Squid takes in a deep breath, not making any eye contact.

"I-I saw Lee's vision. I-it was terrifying. B-but I actually e-entered his mind. Another p-power," he explains.

All eyes point to Lee as he acts as innocent as ever, making a mini cake house then eating it, causing Stampy to pout slightly.

"Lee?" Amy asks.

Lee, just like Squid, takes in a deep breath, but his breath is deeper. More shaky.

"Well...." Lee trails off.

"Squid, is there anyway you can get them to read my mind?" Lee asks Squid.

"Well, reading and entering minds are one of my powers, and I can borrow other powers, but I never tried transferring my power. If I can I know I won't be able to transfer any borrowed powers I have. It would be too over-powered. But I can't try to transfer my powers so everyone can read your mind. It would be a new power, though," Squid explains.

Squid walks over to Endy and places his squid hand on his chest. Squid's eyes and hands turn orange. Endy's hands and eyes turn bronze, but the color fades to orange.

"I-I have another power. I can transfer my power to other people!" Squid proudly says, smiling.

Squid gives us each his power of reading minds, he'll still have it. Whenever someone borrows or transfers a power, the original owner of the power still has it. He doesn't give the power his power to Lee because we'll be entering his mind.

Squid mumbles some inaudible words. When he finishes, I suddenly feel heavy. I fall to the ground and close my eyes. The last thing I think before I pass out is, It's time to discover the truth of everything.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now