Chapter 26

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Amy's POV

June 23rd

We've stayed in the same place since we've saw the other half of the team, because the orb we're watching hasn't moved at all. It's become night, so we're using flashlights.

Does it know we're here? Is it just planning an attack on us? It is magic, so it could possibly do lots of things. So why doesn't it just kill us? I think.

But then it hits me. I know why it's not killing us yet. They're going to make it slow and painful. The orb starts to slowly drift away.

"Guys, wake up! We have to move!" I harshly whisper to the group, waling them from their slumbers.

"Why do we have to leave?" Squid weakly asks. He's still making us all invisible, so he must be very weak, including Ty, wherever he is.

"The orb is in the move!" I says. Their glowing green eyes grow wide, including mine.

"We have to leave, pack up everything, now!!" I harshly whisper.

After we get everything packed up, I glance over at Squid.

He's not doing too well. His once green eyes and blocky hands are now grey. He looks very tired and keeps stumbling over everyone and everything. I run over to him.

"Squid? Are you okay?" I ask him.

He barely shakes his head as he collapses into my arms.

I look at my blocky hands that are now holding Squid. My hands. They're not dark green anymore.

I look over at the group. Their eyes and hands are back to normal. We're visible again.

I hear a vicious laugh and a figure slowly walk over next to the orb.

I shine my flashlight in the direction of the figure. I gasp. Luna.

"Hello," she greets us sarcastically.

"You're the figure in my vision! The one controlling the orbs!" Lee exclaims. Luna laughs.

"Of course, child. This little orb here is one killing machine out of millions. These 'orbs' are Darkness and Sadness's magic. I can control them, but they have a mind of their own. If I give them a command, they obey," she explains.

"Why? Why are you dong this?" Peggy asks.

"I am avenging Darkness and Sadness's deaths. And what better way to do that then to kill their killers? But I'm not just killing you all. I'm- we're destroying Minecraftia and everyone in it," Luna says.

I gasp. So Lee's vision.... it's going to come true.

"Oh, and what happened to little Squid, here?" Luna asks in fake sympathy.

She walks over to me as I start to tremble. She studies the unconscious Squid.

"What am I going to do with Squid?" she thinks out loud to herself.

"How about, I leave you all in a cell to die?" she happily says. This girl makes me sick.

Luna whistles and a dozen ninjas come up behind her, eyeing us.

"Take them to their cells," she orders them.

The ninjas nod. They all grab hold of us. One pulls Squid out of my arms.

"No! Leave him alone!" I scream.

The ninja just chuckles and carries Squid like a rag doll.

I notice Lee thrashing in the arms of one ninja. "I'll kill you! I'll kill every last one of you no matter how long it takes!" he screams, but Luna and the ninjas ignore him.

Luna takes her diamond sword out of her belt. She stabs Lee in the leg, making him shut up. He only whimpers in pain as the ninja beside him forces him to walk, which only makes him cry more.

"Now come with me!" she harshly yells at us.

With me, Endy, Peggy, Lee and the unconscious Squid in the ninjas' grasps, we walk over to Luna's prison, Lee's blood dripping behind us making a trail for where we have gone.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now