Chapter 27

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Peggy's POV

June 24th, 2:35pm

Arrived at prison on June 23rd, 11:57pm

Are we just going to rot in this cell and watch as innocent Minecraftians die? I think as I sit up, my head leaning on the cell wall.

We're all in the same cell, my group. The cell is magic proof, so our powers are useless.

"Luna, you don't understand what you're doing! You're going to ruin an entire culture!" I yell at she walks past out cell.

"I don't care! I will anything in order to avenge Darkness and Sadness!" she says.

"But you could kill yourself! Those orbs of magic could kill you! Please, don't do this!" I beg. She just laughs as she walks away.

"Give it up, Peggy. We're never getting out of here," Amy says.

I turn around and I see her sitting next to the still unconscious Squid.

I sigh and I crawl over to the injured Lee. "Are you doing alright?" I ask him.

Lee shakes his head. "I don't think so. My leg won't stop bleeding," he explains as he exposes his bloody leg from the soaked leaves that are covering it.

"Do you think I'll survive it?" he asks me, hope in his eyes.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry, Lee," I tell him, sighing at the end. "Can't you predict if you'll survive?!" I ask.

"It doesn't work like that!" Lee groans. "If only I could make a healing cake, but I can't!"

"Lee, do you have any healing potions in your backpack?" I ask him.

Lee shrugs and motions to his backpack. I unzip it and hunt though it, desperate to find a healing potion.

I sigh as I takes out an empty bottle that once held the pink liquid of a healing potion. I examine the bottle. I see something glisten in the bottle.

"Hey, I see a pinch of healing potion left!" I exclaim.

"Do you think it will work?" Lee asks, then groans from the pain, desperately clutching his wound.

"It'll have to, or you might die," I say, choking out the last word.

I hand the bottle to Lee. He takes it in his shaking hands. Lee brings the bottle to his trembling lips and swallows the last bit of healing potion.

Lee's breathing begins to even out and his stops clutching his leg.

I notice a ninja walks past our cell. I glare at him. The ninja takes his mask off.

"Ty?" I whisper.

"Ty?!" Everyone else whisper-yells. Ty smiles.

"H-how did you get here?" I ask him.

"The rest of the team is here trying to free you all," he explains to me. Luna appears at the end of the hall.

Ty pulls his mask back on. "Play along," he whispers to me. I nod.

"What are you doing with the prisoners?" Luna asks Ty.

"Oh, um, this stupid girl was yelling at me, and I was just threatening her," Ty convincingly says.

Luna studies Ty, obviously suspicious. "Okay," she finally says, walking away. Ty takes off his mask again and smiles.

"Thank you," I whisper to him.

"Anything for you guys," he whispers back. I smile.

Ty looks over at Lee. "How's he doing?" he asks.

"He was stabbed in the leg. I was able to give him the last of a healing potion but I don't know how long that'll last," I explain.

"Well, once we free you all from this cell, we might be able to heal him fully. But we have very little time," he explains. I nod my head.

"I'll be right back, okay? Be safe," he says.

I silently watch as Ty pulls his mask back on and slips out of the hallway unseen.

Like a ninja.


Author's Note:

Hello again! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I just want to say if you see the name Sky in this chapter, or any for the matter, (in this chapter, Sky aka SkyDoesMinecraft aka Adam was supposed to be a part of the team and be the one stabbed, but I took him out of the story altogether), I'd really appreciate it if you kindly told me I made that mistake. Peggy out!

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now