Chapter 11

58 4 2

Song: Pieces



Squid's POV

June 5th

Running. Running who knows where. Running.

I just have to be alone for a while to think. Yeah, just sit and think.

With my bow and arrows at hand, I walk into the forest. I find a sturdy rock to sit on. I sit down and close my eyes.

Why? Why did Lee have that vision? Why is this all happening? Why was I even Transported here? Why is it that we might all be gone? Why?

I take out my bow and I shoot a nearby squirrel. I kill it in one shot.

It's dark in the forest, so more mobs will come out. But I don't care. I see a zombie. I stretch out my bow and aim. I kill it in two shots.

I didn't notice the tears that escaped my eyes. In fact, I haven't noticed lots of things. My powers, until I discovered them. The purple whisp of magic Ty and Peggy found, until they told us. The vision Lee had, until he passed out. I don't know what to think anymore.

I sigh as I let my tears fall onto the rock, eventually drying up.

"Squid!" I hear a voice yell. I gasp, thinking that Lee's vision is starting to come true. I stand up and quickly scurry up a tree, panicking.

"Squid? Where are you?" I hear a voice again. "I don't see him." I hear deeper voice say.

I look down and I sigh of relief. Stampy and Peggy. Should I show myself? Should I hide? I can't show myself, or I'll have to explain everything and everyone will be in pain. I can't hide, either; I can't just run away from my problems. I can't just hide forever and run away. I continue to hide up in the tree, staying silent.

"Come on, let's go check around main Minecraftia." Stampy suggests to Peggy. I see Peggy nod.

They slowly walk out of the forest, looking behind bushes and small trees. But they don't look up. I wonder why?

Maybe they just didn't think I would be up here. But I am. I am above sight. I am above light. I am above everything. I am invisible to the eye. Maybe that's the way it should be.... No. No, I need to show myself. But if I do, this pain will all go on....

But who said it would ever stop? Who said I could ever escape from my pain? Who said anyone could ever escape their pain.

I can run. But I can't hide from this drama and pain. I live in Minecraftia. And I have to protect its people.

I sigh. I can't just give up. I can't give up on the team. On Lee. On Peggy. On Amy. On Endy. On Ty. On Creep. On Stampy. On Sarah. On Anna. On myself. On everyone. On Minecraftia.

I allow a few desperate tears to escape my eyes, hit the solid ground. Sink into the dirt. That could be me. I could be that tear, desperate to escape this world, and finally break. Sink into the dirt. I need to go back to the team. My team. I can't abandon everyone. I can't abandon the team when they might be killed.

Even if they don't know it.


June 6th

I check the time on my watch. Yes, I have a watch in Minecraft.

11:36pm. June 6th. I went up into this tree at 2:58pm. June 5th. Luckily I have food.

I lay my head on the tree and I sigh. I think of a song I've heard before.

I'm here again.

A thousand miles away from you.

I'm here, I exist. But I feel like I'm a thousand miles away from the world, lost in thought.

A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am.

I'm a mess, afraid of my own shadow. I'm now in pieces.

I tried so hard.

Thought I could do this on my own.

I've lost so much along the way.

I've tried hard to stay sane. Not to freak out. But I reached my breaking point.

Along this journey, since the second I've entered Minecraft, I've lost so much. My friends. I've lost my sanity. Sweet, sweet sanity. I've lost my courage. My strength.

Then I see your face.

I know I'm finally yours.

When I see The Chosen Ones, I know I belong.

I find everything I thought I lost before.

You call my name.

I come to you in pieces,

So you can make me whole.

But I've found everything that I've lost. My strength. My courage. My sanity. My friends.

They all call my name. I'll come back to them in pieces. But they'll glue me back together.


They must be worried. They must be having a search party. I should go back. Then why aren't I moving? Oh, yeah, I know why. I'm afraid. Yes, the great iBallisticSquid is afraid.

I'm afraid of the past, the present and the future. The past. I'm afraid to think about all of the pain in the past. The present. I don't want to think of what's happening right now, how I'm hiding from.... The future. Lee's vision. That can't happen. I won't allow it. What we do in the past can change the future, so all we have to do is change the past.

The future. Lee's vision. The present will soon become the past.

We have to change what we do today, which will soon be the past. We have to fight. I shouldn't go back. I won't go back. I'm leaving. Forever.

Bye, I guess.


Author's Note:

Yay! Another update!! I hope you liked this chapter!

The following quote is from RessieTheSilverlord, who wrote for me a while ago and I put it in the story: What we do in the past can change the future, so all we have to do is change the past.

So, yeah! X3 Comment and let me know what you favorite part is of this book and this chapter. Also, how are you?

Stay tuned for more updates! Peggy out!

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now