Chapter 28

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Squid's POV

June 24th, 3:05pm

I slowly peel open my eyes, feeling weak.

I sit up, immediately regretting it. A pounding headache seeps into my head, throbbing. My rib cage is in great pain, as if I was swung around like a rag doll. Weird.

I look at my surroundings. I'm in some type of prison cell. I look at my cellmates. Amy, Peggy, Endy, and Lee.

"Squid!" Amy exclaims, crawling over to me.

"W-what happened?" I ask.

Amy explains what has happened and how we ended up in this prison.

"Wow," I mutter, staring at the bedrock floor. I catch a glance through the special bedrock window. No destruction. For now.

I glance over at Lee. He's the only one sleeping. At least, I hope he's sleeping.

"What happened to Lee?" I ask, regretting my question soon after it escapes my mouth. Amy looks at me in despair and sighs.

"He was stabbed in the leg. Peggy was able to find a drop of healing potion to give him for now," she explains. I look up at the bedrock ceiling, thinking. My head snaps towards the bedrock bars keeping us in this cell. I see a shadow. I weakly crawl towards the bars. A ninja. The ninja whips off her mask. Sarah.

Sarah meets me at the bars. "Hey, I heard you passed out. Are you okay now?" she gently asks me. I slowly nod my head in return, reassuring her.

She hands me two bottles full of pink liquid through the bars. Healing potions.

"Give one to Lee. Drink the other one. It will make you stronger. I'm going to find the keys to the cell so we can escape," she tells me. I nod.

"Good luck," she whispers as she pulls her mask back over her face and walks down the hallway.

I crawl over to Lee. The others in the cell look hopefully at me.

I unscrew the cap on the first potion and quickly drink it. I immediately feel stronger. I throw the empty bottle in an unoccupied corner, shattering it. I unscrew the lid to the second bottle.

I shake Lee awake and hand him the liquid. He desperately drinks it. I throw away the other bottle. Now, I wait.


June 24th, 3:08pm

I constantly glance over at Lee. He looks a bit better.

I wish I had a clock. Then I could see what time it is. Hopefully it's not close to 3:10pm....

I hear violent coughing. I look at Lee and I see that's he's the source of the coughing. He's sitting up, eyes wide open, while Amy pats his back.

"Are you okay, Lee?" Endy asks as we all gather around him.

He nods and gives us a thumbs-up. I smile.

"Exactly how long have we been here?" Lee asks.

"Over a day," Peggy says, sighing.

Lee's eyes grow wide. "Didn't we come here on June 23rd??" He asks. We nod.

"Well, it must me June 24th, the day of my vision," Lee says.

I look over at the bedrock bars and I see another shadow. It's a ninja, but the ninja takes off his mask. It's Ty.

"Hey, I have the key. I'm glad Lee and Squid are awake," Ty says.

"Where are the others?" Peggy asks.

"Sarah freed them. They're trying to get to Luna now so we can stop her," he explains.

"Just a twist of this key and you'll be free," Ty says. I roll my eyes. Just a twist if the key, and we'll be free. And we win. Ty puts the key in the keyhole and jiggles it.  The door opens.

One by one, we step out. I'm the last one to step out of the cell.

I just have my foot out of the cell, when I feel the ground shake.

"What time is it?" Amy asks.

There's a long pause.

"3:10," I say.

No, I didn't use any powers to know that. This whole prison is magic proof, except for Luna's magic.

The ground was shaking. I already know. I feel the prison building collapse around us.

"Run!!" I hear someone scream. I can't see anyone through the dust and falling rubble. We all run together in one direction.

I hear someone scream for help, but I ignore it. It's probably a ninja.

I feel the weight of bedrock fall on me, start to crush me. I hold up the collapsing piece of the building as best as I can. But I can't. I don't have super-strength. Sarah does. I hope she survives.

Maybe this is how it all ends. Collapsing under a piece of broken building, instead of being killed by an orb. Wait.

In Lee's vision, I died from one of the orbs. Maybe just part of Lee's vision was correct. I mean, the building started to collapse at 3:10pm, which was part of Lee's vision, but I'm not dying from an orb.

Maybe this all for the best. I sigh. I should just give up.  My struggling to keep the falling wall from crushing me stops. I keep my hands by my side, excepting my fate.

The wall almost immediately collapses into me, knocking out my last breath.

"I have fulfilled," I whisper as my vision goes blurry.

And I have.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now