Chapter 9

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Squid's POV

June 5th

Amy shoves the team out of Lee's room as everybody looks at me confusedly.

I slowly walk over to Lee's bed, as if I walk any faster Lee could die. I don't want to say that word. We've all been close to death many times before. And I don't want any of us to go back.

Am I ready for this? Am I ready to know the truth?

I hesitantly place my hand on Lee's chest. My eyes and squid hands turn orange. My power.

I guess I am.

The world around me fades, leaving only me, although I can still feel Lee's chest. I have to keep a physical connection with Lee, or this won't work.

I look all around me, not moving my hand off of Lee's lost body. I'm entering Lee's mind.

I see glimpses of the real world, and Minecraftia, all in peace and harmony.

I then notice purple whisps floating into both worlds.

They look so peaceful. So fragile.

But they're not.

They leave total destruction in their path. They kill people and the Minecraftians. They spawn the most unbelievable fighting machines I've ever seen.

In a matter of minutes, both worlds are destroyed.

The real world fades from view, leaving only Minecraftia.

I see a familiar figure trying to run away. But the purple balls of light surround the figure, almost swallowing it.

I see the chat box.

iBallisticSquid was slain by the unknown.

I gasp.

I accidentally take my hand off of Lee's body, the images all disappearing.

"No!" I say. I wasn't done yet!

I place my blocky hand on Lee's body again, but it's no use. I close my eyes.

"Please," I whisper. Please.

I open my eyes.

Lee's room. I'm back. No....

I had more to discover.

Was that the past?

Maybe there was another Minecraftian named iBallisticSquid that died?

Or is it the future? If that's the future, then.... When will that happen?

As I walk away from unconscious Lee, I think of that one sentence that may change everything. My future. My life. Everything. How could that be? That sentence in the chat can't be true.

iBallisticSquid was slain by the unknown.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now