Chapter 15

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Squid's POV

June 18th

I helplessly watch as Lee falls out of consciousness.

He was looking for me? I should go back. First I should help Lee. Then I'll go back. I've had enough time to think. I rest my hand on Lee's chest. He's not in the void, so I can't free him from there. He's not possessed, either.

I frantically look around my surroundings to find anything that can help Lee.

Wait. I have iron. The woods are full of trees. Trees can become wood. There's a small lake here.

I quickly punch some trees, turning it into wood. I make a crafting table and set down. I use my iron ingots to make a bucket. I run over to the lake and fill my bucket with water.

I rush back over to Lee and dump the freezing liquid over his head. Lee wakes up, startled.

"Hey!" he yells at me. Smiling, I stoop down to his level and embrace him in a hug. "You're awake!" I exclaim to him. Lee nods.

I help him stand up; he wobbles a little bit, but soon becomes stable. "Can you make it back home?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Well, I'm a bit weak, too, from lack of food, so I can't carry or help you home. Can you fly?" I say. Lee sighs, frustrated.

"I forgot I had the power to fly," he says and chuckles. I laugh, too.

Lee's eyes and paws turn blue as he hovers in the air, smiling.

"I'm still too weak. I'll just be able to make it home. I can't fly you home," he says.

"It's okay. I can borrow your power and fly home. Come on, let's eat first," I say.

Lee flies back to the ground and takes off his backpack. He takes out ten steaks and gives half to me.


After about ten minutes of eating and talking, we decide to head back home.

I borrow Lee's power and we start to hover above the ground. I'm coming home.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now