Chapter 24

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Anna's POV

June 22nd

I focus on nothing. Nothing but the orb. This orb of magic is the only thing I see. Nothing else. Absolutely nothing else.

"Anna? Hello? Anna?" Squid waves his blocky hand in front of me.

"Oh, um, sorry," I whisper, so the orb can't hear me. We all have to whisper so the orb won't hear us.

"Do you think you and Ty will be able to keep us invisible for a while?" I ask him.

"I hope, I mean, if I get too weak and collapse, we'll all lose our power of invisibility. If Squid becomes too weak and passes out, we'll all lose our power of invisibility except for me. If that happens, you can all hold on to me and turn invisible, but I might be too weak by then. Squid and I have to focus the most and using our powers. We have to use all of our energy. I'm doing that right now," he explains to me, his eyes and hands still dark green. All of us are. I can see the invisible Ty because if you're invisible, you can see anybody else invisible, too.

"Well, I just hope you and Squid have enough energy. Now come on, let's set up camp," I say.

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora