Chapter 23

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Stampy's POV

June 22nd

Two days. Only two days. Forty-eight hours. Well, it's 10am, so now thirty-eight hours. That's all we have. Thirty-eight hours. Thirty-eight hours until our possible death. Thirty-eight hours until Minecraftia and the real world could possibly be I ruins.

But we need to stop this. We all need to stay strong. We can do this. I hope....


We're walking around in the forest, as usual. I pick some berries and roots I find on the way. We can use them for food.

I look behind my shoulder. Nothing. Just leaves, trees, two purple orbs, some birds, plants- Wait. The orb! Two of them!

"Guys! Look!" I whisper harshly. The team looks in my direction and gasps. I signal for them to stay quiet. The orbs start to fly away.

"Squid, borrow Ty's power of invisibility," I order Squid.

Squid borrows Ty's power. Squid's eyes turn dark green.

"Squid, can you give us all invisibility for a whole day?" I ask him. Squid nods his head.

"Okay. Give us all the power if invisibility. Do you think you can give us Ty's power of teleportation, too? The orbs have all give senses, so they can see us. We all saw it in Lee's vision," I say.

Squid shakes his head. "I'll collapse from weakness. I have to constantly use my power when I borrow or transfer powers, even if we're not all using them currently. Ty constantly has to use his power, too, because he's the source of the power I'm using. I'll just be able to make it as it is."

"Okay. We'll be in the groups. Now listen up. Group one: Me, Anna, Sarah, Creep and Ty. Group two will be Endy, Peggy, Amy, Lee and Squid. We'll follow the orbs with our invisibility," I command. The groups say goodbye to each other.

Squid gives us all the power of invisibility. All of our eyes and hands turn dark green. Ty's power.

Our groups go off in two different directions, following the orb.

Goodbye, Chosen Ones, I think to the other team, although they can't hear me.


What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now