Chapter 7

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Lee's POV

"No!" I scream after Peggy talks.

A purple orb?

What's left of us?


This can't be.

This was my vision.

My vision I got yesterday.


"Come on, let's go," Stampy says as we all stand up and start to walk home after a long day of having fun.

We start to walk back home, laughing and telling jokes.

I gets pounding headache in my head, but I ignore it.

Suddenly, the world around me vanishes.

It's replaced with a vision.

I see one thing, and one thing only.

An.... orb? A light orb? A whisp? I don't know.

I walk towards it. "What's Left of Us," it whispers. This is strange.

I mean, yeah, I get visions, it's one of my powers, although there not always correct.

But this is different. It's like I'm.... living.... in this vision.

I can see and feel everything around me.

I suddenly see a scene. It's Minecraftia. All of Minecraftia in one vision.

But something's wrong. Minecraftia is in ruins. I notice the orbs killing innocent Minecraftians. One of those people looks familiar.

Brown fur, yellow pants and- Wait. I see the gamer tag.

No. This can't be. This can't be the future.

I watch as the figure dies, the purple orb laughing. I notice another figure, too. She looks familiar, but I can't put my paw on it.

I look at the other figure I noticed earlier, dead. Pools of blood surrounding him.

This just can't be. This can't be the future of Minecraftia. I know this isn't long away.

I see the real world too, in the same condition. In ruins.

I suddenly see a giant calendar appear next to me. A red circle forms around a date. 24. June 24th.

I notice a giant clock appear next to the calendar. 3:10pm. Today's June 5th. 8:36pm. I gasp. No.

On June 24th at 3:10pm, Minecraftia will be gone.

My home. Gone.

I blink, and I'm back in reality.

"Lee, are you okay, there? You kind of zoned out," Sarah says.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," I stutter.

What was that? I have to tell the team tomorrow. There was too many people around right now. Was that my imagination? I never had visions like that before.

But there was one little piece of evidence that told me that this might be real.

That dead figure. The gamer tag.

L for Leeeeeex.

L for Leeeeeex was slain by the unknown.

I start to breath heavily, I collapse to the ground.

I hear people scream my name, I know they're screaming, but to me it sounds like faint whispers.

"What's left of us...." I start, but I can't finish.

I have to tell them my message!

I can only choke out three words before I collapse into total darkness....

And the truth.

"Vision. Save them."

What's Left of Us Part Two: Sequel to What's Left of Us Part One (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now