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Not going to put TW's at the beginning. Read description and get prepared! 

Patton was your typical shy kid. He was the boy that sat in the corner of the room, listening and observing, rather than speaking and being actively involved in discussions or activities. Logan was Patton's best friend, they'd known each other for as long as they could remember, practically since birth. Like any other shy, down to earth kid, Patton had his interest piqued by the popular kid. All he wanted was to be noticed by him, loved by him.

 Then there was Virgil. He was the popular kid, mysterious and withdrawn. Just as Patton had Logan, Virgil had Roman. The two of them had met in kindergarten and became friends almost instantly. Everybody liked Virgil, especially the girls. He had deep brown eyes and if you looked into them long enough, you could see a hint of purple. His hair was dyed purple and long enough to cover his eyes, which only added to his mysteriousness. Virgil had grown up in a broken home, his father was abusive and always shouting at him and his mother. Unbeknownst to everyone, even Roman, Virgil had a huge crush on Patton. He knew how people would react if his secret came out, Patton wasn't the type of person you'd expect someone like Virgil to like, at least not in that way. He was willing to risk it all to make Patton notice him, but he didn't  see the point. It wasn't like Patton liked him anyway, he was invisible to him, completely non-existent. Liking somebody for so long was difficult, especially when you often got abused by your father and all you had to think about other than that, is the person you'll never be with or even get close to. Ultimately it was torture, his life was an emotional rollercoaster, plummeting downwards, showing no sign of stopping.

-Notice Me!-

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