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Virgil and Patton had math together first period and rather than doing their set work, they just sat and spoke to each other for an hour. When the bell went for second period, they both frowned at the fact that they didn't have it together.

"I'll meet you at your locker after class, okay?"

Patton nodded and walked off to his next lesson, a huge smile spread across his face. Virgil chuckled and headed off towards his. The two of them found themselves unable to concentrate, each with thoughts of the other in mind. This helped them pass the time and it was break in what seemed like only five minutes. Patton was waiting at his locker for Virgil to arrive, however it wasn't him who showed up, at least not at first.

"Roman!" Patton exclaimed, he was happy to see him, unaware of what was going to happen next.

He pinned Patton up against the locker. Patton winced at the pain the harsh impact had caused.

"What do you want?" he asked, panicking. 

"What I want, is for you to stay away from Virgil!" he said, hints of jealousy were clear in his voice and eyes.

Virgil was walking towards Patton's locker, but his path was blocked by a large crowd of people.

-What the hell is going on? Shit, Patton!- he thought to himself, beginning to worry. 

Virgil pushed forcefully through the crowd and was completely taken over by anger when he saw what was happening. He ran over and grabbed Roman's arm, he pulled him off of Patton and threw him to the ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Virgil asked angrily.

"We were just talking..." Roman lied.

"Stay away from him! And stay away from me!" Virgil retorted.

He held out his hand for Patton who immediately took it. They walked away together, leaving Roman on the floor in the middle of a large group of people. Before lunch, Patton and Virgil had chemistry together. It was silent until Virgil spoke up.

"Patton... what did Roman say to you?"

"It wasn't anything too bad, I swear. He just... told me to stay away from you." Patton mumbled, just loud enough for Virgil to hear.

"If he so much as looks at you, please tell me... I'll deal with him!"

Patton nodded in agreement at Virgil's request. At lunch, Virgil sat with Logan and Patton, leaving Roman to sit alone. Virgil and Patton were sat next to each other with Logan opposite. Patton could see Roman from where he was sat and he was having angry, hateful glares fired at him. Virgil noticed this and the fact that it was making Patton sad and uncomfortable.

"Hey... don't look at him, okay? Focus on me." 

Virgil took Patton's hand as he said this and squeezed it comfortingly. Patton nodded and turned around so that he was facing Virgil, Logan was too wrapped up in the book that he was reading to notice what was going on. Virgil smiled at Patton, immediately making him blush and fall in love with him even more. The bell rang and they headed off to their final classes of the day.

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