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On Saturday, Logan and Roman were hanging out at Roman's house. They were the only two there since his parents and sister were visiting family in London for the weekend.

"Roman. This thing with Virgil and Patton... what is it all about?" Logan asked, curious of the princely boy's motives.

"Why would you want to keep Patton away from Virgil?"

Roman smiled and tried to think of the right words.

"I-I was jealous. Virgil didn't seem to have time for me anymore... he was all about Patton."

"So... why were you jealous? Was it because you were losing your bestfriend, or someone you wanted to be more?" Logan queried, as kindly as possible.

"I loved him. Past tense." he clarified.

"Surely your feelings can't have just disappeared." he stated, confused by the sudden vanishing of Roman's feelings.

"They didn't. My feelings have... transferred, so to speak."

Logan thought for a few minutes before grasping the meaning of what Roman had just said.

"Who is it that you love now?"

Roman took a deep breath, trying to pluck up the courage to tell Logan.

"Roman. Who do you have feelings for now?"

Roman sighed and quickly connected their lips. He pulled back and looked down at his hands, avoiding any eye contact. Logan sat there speechless for a few seconds.

"Roman, look at me."

He looked at Logan and they were gazing directly into each other's eyes. Logan smiled and kissed him softly back.

"I love you too!"

Roman smiled back at him and took his hand.

"Stupid question, but... will you be my boyfriend?" asked Roman.

Logan rolled his eyes and kissed him again.

"I'll take that as a yes." he said.

Roman laughed and rested his head on Logan's shoulder. They sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. They were happy and content with one another, but now had something difficult to do. They had to find a way to explain this to Virgil and Patton.

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