Sick Day

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On Friday morning, Virgil woke to find Patton was gone from beside him. He assumed he was downstairs and decided he was going to have a quick shower before going down for breakfast. Virgil entered the bathroom to see Patton hunched over the toilet. He rushed to his side and immediately began rubbing circles into his back. Patton's cheeks were tear stained and more were falling.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Virgil questioned, clearly concerned.

"I didn't think it was a big deal. I wanted you to be well rested." he replied.

"Next time, wake me up. I guess there's no school for you today..."

Patton wiped his eyes and let Virgil help him back to bed. Virgil grabbed a bowl and placed it down the side of the bed, just in case.

"I'm going to stay at home so that I can take care of you." Virgil told him.

"No... you shouldn't have to skip school because of me." he replied, sitting up.

Virgil sat on the edge of the bed and laid him back down.

"I know that I don't and that I shouldn't have  to, but I want to." he said lovingly as he looked at Patton.

"Umm... Virgil?"

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Why has Roman been acting this way? Making threats and inflicting pain?"

"I'm not sure. I don't want  to be sure. He doesn't deserve a second thought." Virgil stated, smiling softly.

Patton nodded and sat up again, hugging himself. Virgil grabbed the bowl and held it for Patton, who was sick once more. Virgil quickly went to clean the bowl and returned to tuck Patton in. He kissed him lightly on the forehead and turned to leave so that Patton could rest.

"W-wait..." Patton mumbled.

Virgil turned back around to look at him.

"What is it?"

"I-I don't want to make you sick, but... will you please stay with me?"

Virgil nodded, he didn't care about getting sick, he just wanted Patton to be happy and ultimately healthy. He climbed into bed with Patton and wrapped his arms around the sick boy. Patton buried his head in Virgil's chest and they fell asleep together. The two of them slept peacefully.

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