The First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives

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Virgil decided to invite Roman and Logan over on the Sunday. He knew it would make Patton happy. What he hadn't expected was for him to enjoy it too. Patton and Logan were still best friends and extremely close, Roman and Virgil were becoming that again. At break and lunch on the Monday, they all sat together, once again. The difference this time however, was that Virgil was contributing more to the conversations. As it was his nature, he still made jokes and sarky comments.

*Time Skip*

It had been about a year since Virgil had met and become friends with Patton and later that day they were going to be graduating. The four of them were all 18 now and their relationships were stronger than ever. That evening, after they'd graduated, they were hanging out at what was now Virgil and Patton's place. Alone in the kitchen was Virgil, gathering the courage to do what he'd been planning for over three months. Roman and Logan were happily cuddled up on the couch together, Patton was sat at the opposite end. Virgil took a deep breath and went through to the living room.

"Walk with me?" he asked Patton hopefully, offering his hand.

He nodded and placed his hand in Virgil's, who then pulled him up. They left the house and Virgil led him to the top of a hill that was a block away from their place. Patton and Virgil sat against the trunk of a large willow tree that stood proudly atop it.

"This is beautiful... the stars are beautiful." Patton commented.

Virgil barely heard him as he was too focused on Patton's face, admiring him. Patton turned to face him.

"So, why did you bring me up here?" he questioned.

Virgil blushed and reached his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box. Patton didn't notice it as he was too focused on how anxious Virgil looked.

"Patton... the day that I met you, was the day that my life changed for the better. Being seen as 'the popular kid' has meant that I've had to either be strong or be judged harshly. For most of my life, I've been alone and unloved. I've had to protect myself and because of this I never let my walls down, for anybody. I have loved you from the first time I saw you and I have never been happier than I am with you. You managed to tear down the walls that I tried so hard to build for myself, you managed to to see the real me, the me who is vulnerable and broken. I love that you're the only one who can see past my rough exterior and I love you for not judging me and for standing by me, no matter what. My life before you was hell and I never want to be without you. Patton, I love you. Will you marry me?"

He showed Patton the box and opened it to reveal the ring. Tears streamed down Patton's face and he placed his hand over his mouth in disbelief, nodding profusely. He kissed Virgil and then pulled him into a tight hug. They laid in the grass, side by side, and looked up at the stars, lacing their fingers together. After a while, they headed back to the house. Virgil opened the door for his new fiancé, who rushed over to the couple still cuddled up on the couch. Patton held his hand out to show them the ring, his hand was shaking with excitement. The two of them congratulated the newly engaged couple as Virgil walked over smiling. He sat down next to Patton and they cuddled up together to watch TV. Everything was perfect...

-He finally noticed me!-

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