The Start Of Something New

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After being punched, Roman had become the center of attention, and not in a good way. People were pointing and laughing. It was highly embarrassing for somebody like Roman, somebody who wanted to be admired and looked up to. He stood up and pushed his way through everybody, keeping his eyes fixed firmly to the ground. Roman walked right past Logan who had walked through the gates just before Roman had been punched.

"Hey!" Logan shouted after him.


"I-I saw what happened! Are you okay?" he asked, genuine concern lacing his voice.

Roman didn't reply. He just looked at Logan with a puzzled expression. When Logan realised he wasn't going to answer, he decided to change the subject.

"Y-you can't leave."

"Why would you care? I'm nothing to you." Roman retorted.

"With Virgil and Parton hanging out all the time, it seems that we could both use a friend."

Roman nodded and smiled softly at Logan.

"Okay... I guess I could  use a friend right now." Roman agreed.

"Don't leave... c-come with me?" he requested kindly.

Roman sighed and followed him back through the gates and into the school building. They had the same classes that day, so decided that they may as well walk to them together. Just as they arrived outside their period one class, the bell rang. In their final class of the day, they were seated beside each other in a comfortable silence until Logan spoke.

"Hey... pass me your phone." he said.

"What?" Roman asked, slightly confused.

"One, you give me your phone. Two, I put my number into it. Three-"

"-I-I get it." he interrupted, taking his phone out and handing it to Logan.

Logan quickly put his number into it and then gave it back to him.

"There. Now you can text me... or not. Whatever." Logan stated, feeling a mixture of nervous and embarrassed.

When the bell rang signalling home time, Logan rushed off, he wanted to be home in time for dinner. Punctuality was very important to him. Later that night, once Logan had eaten and done his homework, he saw he had a text from  Roman. They messaged each other for hours and hours which was extremely enjoyable for both of them.

Notice Me! (Moxiety)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ