The First Phone Call

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Patton was sat at his desk doing his homework when his phone vibrated. It was a message from Virgil.

*Virgil: Hey. I hope it's okay I'm messaging you?*

*Patton: Yeah it's okay, but how did you get my number?*

*Virgil: I got it from Roman, he got it from Logan. I just needed to talk to you!*

Patton smiled, happy that Virgil still wanted to know him.

*Patton: What do you need help with?*

*Virgil: I'm stuck on the homework. Can I call you?*

*Patton: Yeah, sure. That's fine.*

Virgil pressed the call button and Patton picked up almost straight away.


/"Hey. Thanks for agreeing to help me, most people wouldn't have been so kind."\

/"I'm happy to help. I think you're amazing."\

Virgil blushed at Patton's words.

/"Ditto. Let's get this homework done, knowing me I'll still forget to hand it in."\

Patton giggled at his comment.

/"I'll make sure to remind you, I promise!"\

/"Thank you!"\

It had been roughly an hour since they had started the homework and they were finally finished.

/"That took longer than I expected."\  Patton stated.

/"It's because you were helping me and we now both know that I need a lot of help."\

/"Don't say that or I will physically fight you!"\

Virgil chuckled at Patton's threat, it was adorable. Both Patton and Virgil switched their bedroom lights off and snuggled under the covers before continuing to conversate.

/"When are you going to sleep?"\  Virgil asked quietly, yawning and rubbing his tired eyes.

/"When you decide to stop talking to me."\  Patton whispered, feeling as, if not more tired than Virgil.

/"I'm glad I approached you in the cafeteria. I was so nervous, but I knew it was the only chance I had to talk to you!"\

/"That's sweet! I'm glad you did too, I've wanted to talk to you for as long as I can remember!"\  he yawned and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

/"I'm glad you think I'm worth it!"\  no reply was heard.

/"Good night. I-I love you"\  he muttered, since it was clear Patton had fallen asleep.

The next day was Friday and the homework was due first period as they had math. Virgil got ready for school and went downstairs to see that his lunch hadn't been made and to hear his parents arguing. He was used to his parents fighting and never usually got involved, but today he felt particularly guilty. Virgil's father had his hand raised and Virgil stepped in between them, before he had a chance to act, he was hit. Virgil walked out of the house with his mother and a fresh black eye. Patton arrived in class just after Virgil had sat down and the teacher was coming around to collect the homework.

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