Together For Lunch

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Virgil and Patton had sat together at break along with Roman and Logan. They'd agreed to do the same at lunch which had just started. Patton and Logan walked into the cafeteria together and looked around for Virgil but they couldn't see him amongst all the other students who happily tucked into their lunches. Meanwhile, Virgil was watching the door so that he'd see when Patton entered. A moment later, the doors opened and in he and Logan came, they stopped and looked around. Virgil stood up when he realised Patton hadn't seen him.

"Hey, Patton!" he shouted, making everyone in the room look his way.

Patton looked in the direction his name had come from. He smiled, grabbed Logan's arm and dragged him over to Virgil's table.

"Hey! Roman, go sit in the seat across from mine so Patton can sit beside me."

The boy in question sighed in frustration, but did as Virgil had asked. Virgil took the books that Patton was holding and carefully placed them on the table in front of Patton's seat. Patton blushed and sat down next to Virgil, Logan walked around the table and sat next to Roman. They all began eating their lunch, apart from Virgil who'd had to leave the house before he could grab some. Patton noticed him just sitting there and offered him one of his homemade cookies. Virgil shook his head.

"You have to eat!" Patton insisted.

Virgil smiled softly and reluctantly took the cookie, he slipped it into his pocket. Patton frowned at this but decided it was best not to push it.

"What do you guys have last?" Virgil asked, mostly addressing Roman, as he was aware he wasn't used to other people sitting with them and wanted to make him feel included.

"I have bio." he said simply.

The rest of their lunchtime went just like that. The four of them laughed and joked around with each other and, unbeknownst to their friends, many looks and glances were shared between Patton and Virgil. Their conversations were interrupted by the bell that signalled fifth period. As they had math together, Patton and Virgil continued talking on the way there and all through the lesson, never once falling into silence.

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