Lunchtime Meeting

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It was now lunch and Patton was sitting with Logan as he did everyday. They were talking about random things and Patton was making jokes to help pass the time. A few tables away, Virgil and Roman were sat in silence. Roman was listening to Disney music through his large, red headphones whilst Virgil was scrolling through Tumblr. Virgil put his phone away and looked around at everyone else in the cafeteria in an attempt to occupy himself. He spotted Patton and smiled to himself before turning back to Roman. 

"I'll be back in a minute!" he informed Roman, even though he knew he couldn't be heard.

Virgil stood and took a deep breath, he walked over to Patton's table. The boy in question had his back to Virgil. In order to get his attention, he tapped him on the shoulder, his usual confidence was replaced by a wave of nervousness. Patton turned around, heat rose to his cheeks as he saw his crush standing there.

"Umm... I w-was wondering if you h-had the math homework?" he asked, cheeks turning pink underneath his white foundation.

Logan, who was sat beside Patton, sensed how nervous his friend was and gently nudged him. This nudge snapped Patton back to reality and he spoke up.

"Yeah, here" he said, pulling the sheet out of his pocket and offering it to Virgil. 

Virgil took it and looked over it, a look of confusion spread across his face. He looked back up to Patton.

"Do you think... maybe you could, help me?" he questioned, smiling hopefully at Patton.

He nodded in response. Virgil pulled a sticky note out of his pocket and wrote something down on it before passing it to Patton who, upon seeing it, put it straight into his phone. He smiled softly and nervously.

"I should get back to Roman..." Virgil stated.

"B-bye" Patton responded.

Virgil turned and walked back to his table whilst Patton turned so that he was sitting sideways, facing Logan. Once Virgil was at his table, he sat down and found himself glancing over at Patton (more often than not). He met Patton's eyes a lot, as he was also looking over at Virgil. After about 10 minutes of glancing and blushing, the bell rang signalling final period.

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