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Virgil and Patton walked to school together on Monday morning and had all of their classes together before lunch. First it was double math and then it was double chemistry. When lunch came around, Virgil wanted to take Patton out to the courtyard so that they could sit and eat together away from other people.

"Uh... actually, can we eat in the cafeteria like we usually do?" Patton asked shyly.

"If you want to." Virgil replied, slightly disappointed.

They walked into the cafeteria and took their seats beside one another at their usual table. Patton looked around every few minutes, checking to see if the other two, Roman and Logan, had arrived yet.

"Are we waiting for somebody?" Virgil questioned, noticing as Patton looked over to the doors of the cafeteria.

At that moment, Roman and Logan walked in. They spotted Patton and Virgil, then made their way over to the table.

"Hey, can I sit?" Roman asked, Logan having already taken a seat.

"No." Virgil said sternly, clearly angry.

Patton grabbed his arm comfortingly.

"It's okay, really..." he stated softly.

Virgil eased up slightly, but remained on guard to deal with Roman should he need to.

"Fine. What do you want?" he asked bitterly.

Roman took a seat beside Logan before answering Virgil's question.

"Well... me and Logan are together a-"

"-I called Patton yesterday morning and informed him of the situation." Logan cut in.

Patton nodded to confirm Logan's story.

"I, uh... I mostly just want to apologise. For everything." he stated.

"It isn't me you should be apologising to..."

Virgil turned in his seat so that he was facing Patton. Roman looked at Patton.

"I'm sorry, Patton... truly."

He smiled at Roman and, it being his nature, kindly forgave him. Virgil eased up completely, he smiled to himself just thinking about how perfect Patton was. Although he supported Patton's decision to forgive Roman, it didn't mean he was overly happy with it. For the rest of lunch, they all engaged in random conversations, all except Virgil. He didn't want to have to talk to his former best friend, especially after how he mentally, emotionally and physically hurt Patton. The bell rang suddenly, drowning out and inevitably ending their conversations. Virgil and Roman had the same class last, as did Logan and Patton.

"Walk to class with me?" Roman asked Virgil hopefully.

Ignoring Roman, Virgil kissed Patton goodbye and walked off. Roman looked back at Patton.

"He'll come around." Patton reassured him.

Roman nodded and walked to class alone. Logan and Patton exchanged a hopeful look before the two of them headed to class together.

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