Getting To Know Him

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Fifth period was chemistry which meant Patton and Virgil were sat together. The first 10 minutes, they were sat in an awkward silence. Virgil was the first to speak.

"Thanks for agreeing to help me with the homework!" Virgil said, shuffling nervously in his seat.

"It's okay. I like to help people" he replied.

Virgil smiled and admired the generosity of the boy next to him.

"Honestly, I already had the math homework. I-I just needed an excuse to get to know you." he admitted.

Patton blushed at Virgil's confession.

"W-Why? Why would you want to know me?" he queried, confused as to why someone like Virgil would want to associate with someone like him.

"I'm not sure... something about you just interests me, I guess"

Patton looked at Virgil, his cheeks were turning red.

"So, you're friends with Logan, right?" he asked, trying not to make his interest in Patton obvious.

"Yeah... but we are just friends" he clarified, aware that their closeness looked like something more than friendship.

Virgil let out a small, relieved sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What's your favourite book?" he asked Patton, trying to find out as much as he could about his crush.

"I love Harry Potter! I wish I could be a part of that universe. I find it pretty awesome." he responded, passion and excitement in his voice.

"Wow... you really like Harry Potter." said Virgil, chuckling at Patton's eagerness.

"Favourite colour?" he asked, already pretty sure it was blue judging by the colour of his bag and polo shirt.

"Definitely blue!" he exclaimed in response.

Virgil nodded knowingly and glanced at the clock. It was 10 minutes past three, meaning that the bell signalling home time would be going off in five minutes. He threw everything into his bag  and waited until the bell sounded. Without saying goodbye, Virgil rushed out of the classroom. He felt guilty about just leaving, but he knew his father would get angry if he took too long getting home, Patton watched him walk out and smiled sadly, he shook it off and went home.

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