Coming Together

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The moment Virgil handed in his homework, he got up and he left the room. He made his way out to the courtyard and sat on one of the benches that was placed there.

"Patton, could you go and check on Virgil please?" the teacher asked.

He nodded and quickly left the room. Patton went out into the courtyard and frowned at how sad Virgil looked. He made his way over to the bench and sat down beside him, he was facing away from Patton. He placed his hand on his crush's shoulder causing him to flinch.

"Virgil... what's wrong?" Patton asked, his voice laced with concern.

Virgil turned to face him, revealing the large bruise that had formed. Tears began to roll down his cheeks.

"Oh, Virgil..." Patton whispered, placing a hand on his cheek and wiping away tears with his thumb.

He pulled Virgil into a comforting hug.

"I-I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to see this!" he stated, pulling away from the hug and looking at Patton.

"You don't have to hide away... I'll always be happy to help!" he replied, taking Virgil's hand in his.

"I'm not sure you could do anything about this. Something that might make me feel better though... stay with me at break?"

Patton nodded.

"It's nearly second period, I can walk you there." Patton stood and offered his hand to Virgil.

Virgil smiled and placed his hand in Patton's, who then pulled him up. They walked to Virgil's next class, English. When they arrived outside his class, the bell rang.

"I'll see you later!" Patton exclaimed before walking off to his second period history class.

Virgil watched Patton as he left him outside his class and smiled as his crush disappeared out of his sight.

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