All's Out In The Open

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Patton frowned, he didn't like being ignored, especially by the person he loved. He got up from the kitchen table and made his way up to Virgil as quietly as he could, Patton knew that if Virgil heard him coming, he'd hide away. He reached the doorway to the bedroom and leaned against the frame, looking at Virgil helplessly.

"Virgil?" Patton called from the doorway.

Virgil stayed silent and still, he felt really bad for putting Patton through this but he couldn't stop now, he was too embarrassed. Patton sighed and walked over to the bed, he sat down with Virgil's back still to him.

"Look... I-I'm sorry" he said, gaining no response from Virgil (yet again).

"I didn't mean to upset you... I was kind of shocked to be honest."

Virgil listened intently to what Patton had to say.

"The truth is, I... I love you too! I have for a really long time." Patton admitted, relieved that his feelings were now out in the open.

Virgil smiled to himself before quickly dropping it, he turned around so that his back was no longer to Patton. He looked up into the eyes of the boy he loved and saw the sincerity of his words reflected in them.

"H-how do I know you're not just saying that?" he questioned, his insecurities clear in his voice and the way he spoke.

"I'm not... I could never do that to you! You're too important to me."

He smiled at Virgil lovingly.

"I'm not that good at trust..." Virgil confessed.

Patton cupped his face and looked straight at him.

"I love you!" he stated confidently. 

Virgil smiled as realisation hit him.

"Y-you really mean that, huh?" he asked.

Patton nodded and used his thumb to wipe away the stray tear that had fallen down Virgil's cheek. The boy in question sat up and pulled Patton into a tight hug. Patton instantly hugged back, loving the feeling of Virgil's arms around his waist. After what seemed like an eternity, Virgil let go and decided to lay back down. Patton laid down next to him and began a conversation that lasted for hours. During a comfortable silence, Virgil fell asleep beside him, smiling unconsciously. The next morning was Monday and Virgil got up early to cook himself and Patton some pancakes. Once they had finished eating, they got ready and walked to school together.

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