Roman Strikes Again

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After school, Patton waited outside the school for Virgil and was approached by Roman. Patton didn't notice him approaching until he felt a tight grip on his wrist and was spun around to face him. Patton winced in pain as Roman tightened his grip more (if that was even possible).

"What do you want?" Patton asked, blinking back tears.

"I'm here to warn you-" Roman began before being cut off by Patton.

"-Didn't you hear Virgil earlier? He told you stay away!"

"I don't care! Stay away from him or it won't just be your wrist that hurts!"

He released his grip on Patton's wrist and ran off, as he had seen Virgil and knew it would've been bad for him to stay. Patton didn't see Virgil, instead he was looking in the direction Roman had walked off in.

"Hey!" Virgil exclaimed as he tapped Patton on the shoulder which caused him to jump.

Patton turned and looked at Virgil, plastering a fake yet convincing smile on his face. They walked home together in silence. Virgil went straight through to the kitchen when they arrived back at the house. Patton went upstairs and Virgil became worried that something had happened or that he, not thinking, had done something to hurt or offend Patton. Once upstairs, Patton sat on the edge of the bed and buried his head in his hands. Roman's threat kept playing in his mind over and over again.

"Patton?" Virgil questioned, now standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

When he got no reply, he walked over and knelt down in front of him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, taking Patton's hands in his.

He shook his head. Virgil knew what he meant. He stood and then took a seat next to Patton, wrapping his arms around tightly around the distressed boy sat beside him.

"Patton... you can talk to me! Please, I want to help." Virgil said lovingly and with sincerity.

Patton showed Virgil his now bruised wrist.

"What happened? Who did this?" he queried, becoming angry whilst also staying concerned for Patton.

"A-after school... Roman threatened me and d-did this." he replied with a shaky voice.

"I'm going to kill him!" Virgil mumbled, clenching his fists.

"No! D-don't, it will only make things worse."

Virgil sighed and nodded, showing Patton that he understood and would do as he wished. He once again hugged Patton tightly and they stayed sat that way for a long time.

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