Night Turns To Day

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Patton and Virgil had spent the entire afternoon and evening watching movies. It was getting quite late and they decided that they should be going to bed. Virgil was nervous, which was understandable considering he was spending the night at his crush's house. They arrived upstairs and Virgil took the time to admire Patton's bedroom.  The walls were, of course, blue and contained a large amount of family photos and posters of animals.

"I hope you don't mind sharing the bed." Patton exclaimed, making Virgil jump a little and look at him.

"I don't..." he replied simply, blushing at the thought of being in the same bed as the person he'd been crushing on since forever.

Patton smiled and ran to the bathroom so that he could change into his pyjamas. Virgil didn't feel comfortable changing, especially since he would have to wear something of Patton's, so he climbed under the covers and laid on his side. He was on his phone, scrolling through Tumblr when Patton came back into his room. The boy in question walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in next to Virgil. Once Patton was laying down, Virgil put his phone away. He yawned. Patton giggled, he could see how tired Virgil was and he expected no less from someone who'd been abused by their father and was spending the night in a strange house.

"You should sleep. I can tell you're tired." Patton stated.

"I'm okay... I just want to talk to you."

His statement caused Patton to blush even more than he already was. 

"We've got all of tomorrow. Rest!" he retorted, trying to be stern.

Virgil rolled his eyes and chuckled at Patton's attempt at authority and discipline.

"Okay, I will rest... for you"

Patton smiled softly as Virgil closed his eyes. Soon enough, he was asleep and Patton was looking at him longingly and with love in his eyes.

"Goodnight, Virgil... I love you" he whispered, mostly because he knew that Virgil was asleep and unable to hear him.

Around an hour after Virgil had fallen asleep, Patton drifted off too. The next morning, Virgil woke to see Patton had already left the room. Still tired, he dragged himself out of bed and made his way downstairs. As he approached the bottom of the stairs, he saw Patton in the kitchen. He was cooking. Virgil went over and took a seat at the table, Paton turned to him and smiled.

"Morning! I'm making pancakes!" he loudly exclaimed.

Virgil just nodded in response, he most definitely wasn't a morning person. Patton turned back to the pancakes and quietly hummed to himself. Virgil, aware Patton couldn't see him, smiled softly and looked longingly at him.

-I wish I could tell you how I feel!-  he thought to himself, frowning at the fact that Patton would probably never feel the same way.

After a few minutes of these thoughts, Patton turned around with a plate of pancakes in each hand and a bottle of golden syrup under his arm.

"Let's eat!" Patton said, a wide smile spread across his face.

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