Homework And Movies

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After lunch, Patton woke slowly and looked over to see Virgil next to him, sleeping peacefully. There were large, dark bruises along his collar bone and up his neck. Patton cuddled closer to him and sighed contently. He kissed Virgil's jawline, then brushed the hair out of his face. Patton sat himself up so that he was leaning in his forearm, placing his other hand on Virgil's cheek, he planted a second kiss to his lips. Virgil's eyes fluttered open and landed on Patton. He smiled lightly.

"We should've been up hours ago." he told Patton.

Patton giggled and rolled his eyes in response.

"Stop complaining." he said jokingly.

Patton got up, threw on his clothes from earlier and Virgil did the same. He was ready before Patton, he pecked him on the cheek before running downstairs to watch TV whilst doing his homework. A few moments later, Patton came down and took a seat on the couch beside Virgil. He grabbed the remote and switched off the television, Virgil looked at him and opened his mouth to speak, Patton beat him to it.

"You need to focus." he insisted.

"Okay... I'll do it for you."

Patton smiled brightly and kissed Virgil on the cheek as a thank you.

"Are you hungry?" he asked his boyfriend who was now focused and working hard.

Virgil replied with a simple nod. With this, Patton got up and went through to the kitchen to begin making them both some lunch. Ten minutes later, Patton was still working on their lunch and Virgil had finished his work. He stood behind Patton and wrapped his arm around the boy's waist. Virgil rested his chin on Patton's shoulder making him giggle.

"You finished your work?"

"Of course I did." Virgil responded.

Patton turned to face him and wrapped his arms around Virgil's neck. He kissed his boyfriend softly yet passionately. The timer he had previously set went off and made him jump. Virgil chuckled and kissed him again before taking a seat at the kitchen table. Patton sat opposite, he put a plate of food in front of each of them. Virgil finished eating first and sat back in his chair happily.

"Thank you." he said sincerely.

"That was delicious, Patton."

Once he'd finished eating, Patton cleared their plates away.


"Movies." Virgil responded simply.

The two of them went over to the couch and put on The Little Mermaid. They cuddled up together and watched films, mostly Disney, for the rest of the day.

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