2:Nowhere close

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The thing about a broken heart is it hurts at the moment and then it just becomes numb. The pain only comes when you let yourself feel. You can either become a monster or a better person. It all comes up to how you respond.

This place was good to let loose,no one knew you,no one cared about you unless you wanted them to.

Malawi had emailed her resignation letter to her boss. Who strongly disagreed and gave her a month to get herself together. The cancelled engagement was all over the local papers which cited the fiancee did not show up.

She did not care anymore, the drinks in front of her seemed to be going by the second. She felt they weren't doing their job as she kept thinking and felt no change.

"Hello pretty lady,can I buy you a drink?" Someone said sitting next to her.

"I buy my own drinks thank you."

"Come on,just one,then maybe I can take you somewhere....."


She got up and went to the dance floor. As the music took her over and the alcohol spread over her. She felt someone grope her waist,she shrugged him off. He did it again harder,this time she turned around. It was the same drink guy. He winked and smirked at her.

"Man,don't you get it when someone says no?!"

"Oh shut up you want me too." He said grinding harder against her.

She pushed him off with impressive force for a drunk woman.

He went for her again and she flung a punch at his face. He was about to hit her when his hand was held back and twisted by someone behind him.

"The lady said no."

It was a new guy, he had come out of nowhere. She paused,looked up and stared at him. She saw his eyes,they were so grey and intense they made her think of rain clouds.

The other man was dragged away by security muttering curses at her.

"Are you okay Miss?"
She couldn't utter a word,she just stared at him and got lost in his eyes that held a softer expression. Why was she still thinking of his eyes?

He kept looking at her furrowing his brows. She did not know if it was the alcohol but she pulled him close. She would blame it on the alcohol later.

"Dance with me."

He smiled at her,a very bright smile and started dancing with her.
Even through the alcohol she could tell he matched her moves perfectly. She wanted to dance with him all night. They kept glancing at each other frequently.

"Your eyes are like dark chocolate,very beautiful."

She looked up at him and felt like his eyes were inviting her in.

When he parted his lips maybe to say something,she leaned in and kissed him. She felt like she was floating on this grey clouds in his eyes. She felt a little dizzy when they broke apart and then the world span and went black.

Malawi is a landlocked country in the Central Africa. It is also known as "the warm heart of Africa" with a beautiful fresh water lake and so many views.😊

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