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The smell of flowers and lemon engulfed her nostrils waking her. She heard water running then stopping and footsteps. Her eyes shot open and she realized she was not in her room,she looked up and saw someone standing there watching her.
She sat up straight.

"Why I'm I here and who are you?"

"Well, good morning to you too."

"Please tell me I didn't sleep with you."

"Why because I'm a total stranger and white?? I'm very offended."

"No,it's not that.....Just tell me."

"I'm Ryan and no, I do not take advantage of drunken pretty women."

She blushed and looked at herself and saw she was fully dressed from last night.

"You don't remember last night do you?"

She frowned and shook her head.

"It's okay. What's your name?"


"Which is short for....?"


"As in this country?"


"Nice to meet you Mal. You need to get a painkiller and breakfast. So get showered and let's go."

"Umm,thanks Ryan but I'm sorry I have to go."

With that she grabbed her jacket and left. She checked the room number and realised her room was on the upper floor. She groaned and dragged herself up.

She mentally kicked herself for getting drunk and sleeping in a stranger's room. What if he was a serial killer on the run or worse a human trafficker?

After showering she got dressed and sat down to chase the crushing headache she had. She contemplated going to the cafe for breakfast. Then the memories of last night came back in a flash. Ryan's eyes were so mesmerizing she felt being pulled in. And she had kissed him!!
What had come over her?

Mal decided she would thank him again later for defending her and keeping her safe.

She got up,ignoring the nausea and headache and headed to the cafe,ordered coffee and sat down.
She focused on the coffee closing her eyes. Then she saw the lodge staff pass by with the newspaper with a disturbing headline.

She called out to him and took the paper.
Apparently Dali her ex fiance was distraught over her not showing up at the ceremony and wanted her to go back and he would forgive her for everything and provided her with everything she had demanded from him.

Dali was painting the picture of an abandoned fiance very well. He was ruining her reputation for the whole country. He was trying to cover up all his abuse and cheating. He was shutting her up and controlling her.

She felt sick and the bile started rising to her throat.

She rushed to the toilet and threw up, her stomach twisting. After she was done she washed her face.

What was Dali going to benefit from ruining her life? Wasn't it bad enough he had insulted her not being woman enough? What more did he want?

After she was done,she got out anger must have been flowing in her veins and not blood.

She was ready to make a phone call to someone who would have loved to blow him up. She was not sure if he would come.

She was still contemplating about the call when she bumped into someone.

"You did not take the painkillers did you?"

She recognized that deep heavy intoxicating voice. It had been he first she heard today and she had liked it. It only belonged to Ryan.

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