11:Let's play

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The anxiety I had the day of the hearing was so intense anyone would see it. I was finally going to meet the idiot who caused such an amazing woman so much pain.

Lionel left earlier than us as part of the plan. James came in right after we arrived. We made sure he did not suspect anything about Lionel. I wanted to punch his face so bad as soon as I saw him. Mal put a hand on my shoulder to calm me.

Soon as she did, I noticed the calmness and it even scared me.

The man called Dali arrived five minutes later and saw us.

"So, we meet again my lovely, we can drop all this and get married you know."

I took a step towards him to punch that smile off his face when Mal held me back. Dali snickered and went in with his entourage.

We went in as well and Mal,James and her Aunt sat at the defendant side. There were four seats so I sat in as well.

Dali's lawyer presented the case. I was not paying much attention to it until he said but......

"But your honour,the defendant will try to bring out cheating rumours on my client's part which are baseless and lies of an unfaithful woman who now has a new man in her life already,a white man for that matter."

James did not even object. When his time came he was halted.

" I hear there's a change of plans, Mr Lionel would you come up here please."


I heard Dali ask surprised. James looked at Mal and me then at Dali who simply glared.

Lionel took the stand and refuted with so much evidence and confidence I did not know he had. When he was halfway through I noticed Mr Banda and some other people walk in.

"How did this change of attorneys come in if you may share Mr Lionel?"

"With pleasure your honour. My client found out her previous defense lawyer was setting her up to fail. He was working with the accuser."

"Those are lies!" James and Dali both boomed.

"Order, order in court."

After Dali took the stand with two witnesses, it was Mal's turn and she was a little shaky at first.

"Miss Malawi Gama, what exactly happened on the eve of your engagement?"

"I found Dali in bed with another woman who happens to be one of the witnesses."

"Why did you need to see him that night?"

"I wanted to be sure we were on the same page, I had misgivings. He used to come home late when we were together and beat me up if I asked why he did not call to notify me he would be late. And he had cheated on me before with other women."

"Thank you Miss. I now call upon Mrs Dambo to the stand."

Mal looked up and saw her old maid going to the stand who smiled at her. She looked at Lionel, then her aunt and me.

"Mrs Dambo what can you tell us about your time with Mr Dali and Malawi?"

"She was very wonderful it was unfortunate Mr Dali treated her badly. I helped her tend to her bruises almost everyday of the week. Mr Dali threatened to fire and kill me if I ever said anything."

At that,Mal had tears in her eyes and I took her hand as Aunt Maya wiped the tears.

Then next came Mr Banda, his brother, then me and another man to witness against Dali. They asked how I knew her and all that. And Dali was mad but still arrogant.

"You whore, after all I did for you?!"
He shouted right after the three judges took a break and we were outside.

"You're gonna watch that mouth you idiot,it may just bleed." I growled.

"You don't know who you're messing with white boy!"

I almost punched him but I was held back by Lionel and Mal.

"Don't rejoice yet,you have no idea what connections I have to bury all of you."

He left. We went to a nearest food court and had our lunch. At about 3 pm we were called back to court.

"The jury has reached it's verdict.."

"So soon?" People murmured. Even the media guys.

"For slandering miss Malawi's name and reputation,physical and mental abuse inflicted on her, you Mr Dali are sentenced to 2 years in jail,1year community service and a fine of 5 million Kwacha. You are to stay 500 meters away from her and 100 meters in public. Case dismissed."

The people applauded and Mal hugged me and Lionel and her aunt with tears in her eyes, winning tears. Dali had lost his own game and he was livid.

Mal and Lionel had aimed all the missiles and grenades and drones at him and he sank deep in the earth.

How many of you wish the justice system was fair? How many of you saw this coming? I didn't I swear.
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Love Mo😘

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