26:Better than fate

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The drumming of fingers against the arm chair was the only sound that could be heard in the utterly silent waiting room. We had been waiting for almost four hours for any news but nothing came.

Ron and I sat on each side of Aunt Maya while Mr and Mrs Bronx held hands on the opposite couch. We were all praying for the best.

A ringing sound cut through the silence and I jumped. I felt something vibrate against me and I realized it was my phone.

" Hello?"

"It's Martha, my phone died but I'm almost at the airport. How is she?"

" We don't know yet. They haven't been out in almost four hours ."

" She will be fine dear, they both will be."

" I hope so."

"They will make it."

Just then the door opened and a doctor walked in.

"You're the Bronx family right?" We all said yes.

"Doctor please tell us what's going on, anything." Aunt Maya pleaded.

" Calm down, they are fine. Miss Mal went into early labor but they managed to get here in time. She's given birth to a beautiful baby boy."

We were all just very happy.

" Can we see them now?"

"Oh yes. They are waiting."

I put the phone back to my ear.
"Hello Martha? You still there?"

"Yes! I heard I can't wait to meet him!"

With that I hung up and followed the doctor to Mal's room.

The room was a little more heated than the waiting room. I glanced up to check on the air conditioning.

"Oh we had to turn it up. Baby needs all the heat he can get plus the incubator." The doctor said.

Ryan was sitting beside Mal who had the baby in her hands. She smiled big at us as we walked close to them. And Lord was he the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. He had grey eyes like his father, very black hair, but lighter skinned than Mal but not more than Ryan. He really was the epitome of their love.

"So what's his name?"

Mal and Ryan looked between them and smiled.

"Dearest family, meet Victor Lionel Bronx."

Did I hear right? Did they just name their first born after me?

"Don't play with us now?"
Mrs Bronx said, whose name was Victoria.

"No Mum, we're not. Victor was Mal's idea, since she loves you more than me."

Mrs Bronx chuckled. So naming him Lionel was Ryan's idea? Wow! I was so stunned.

I jumped up and down a little.

"Wow, Lionel gets his name plastered on him and Mum too, what do I get?". Ron said in mock sadness.

" You get the most important job of all, you're his godfather if you do not mind."

"Whoohoo! Hear that Leo! I get to spoil this little angel ten times better than you!"

We all laughed. I was very happy and honoured.

After a little while we were ushered out of the room by the nurse, who insisted we let Mal rest and the baby get the heat he needed. They would be home in a week as they had their own nursery at home.

"So, how was meeting precious baby for you?" I asked Martha as soon as she walked out of Mal's room.

"Are you kidding? He is a king! And I'm the other godparent can you believe!"

"You are?"

"Hell yes! Oh come on, he has your name.!"

"Yeah he does. "

"Speaking of which, are you okay with all this?"

"What do you mean?"

" I'm sorry, maybe I'm being a little insecure but, are you sure you're over your feelings for Mal?"

"You? Insecure?"

"I'm sorry, Mal is my friend, but still..."

"I have been over Mal for a while now Darling. You're the only one for me Martha. And I'm going to keep convincing you. Even if it takes a forever."

Martha smiled and pulled me close to her and kissed me.

"Can I ask you one last thing?"


"Will marry me Lionel?"

Did she just ask me to marry her? Damn it she beat me to it. I had a whole plan on that.

"Yes darling. Yes."

She squealed like a little girl. I would still propose to her properly in a fantastic way. She deserved all the magic on the world.

I loved Mal, but I had successfully gotten over my feelings for her. And I was able to see how amazing Martha was. Mal had in a way helped me see that.

She inspired me to embrace and see Martha's strength. To realize my feelings for her.

The love she had for Ryan and those closest to her, that kept her fighting and winning everyday.

She and Ryan had come from different sides of the world but fate and love united them. I wanted a great love like they had. And I was going to share it with Martha now.

The end.


Thanks for staying with me.
Love y'all.

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