15:Wide awake

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This is dedicated to @riyasjk19.
She made the new cover,she is so awesome.


I had always considered myself a very strong person in all my life. I thought that was the greatest trait I had.

Even back then when Mal and I were starting to date.

"Are you falling in love with me Lion?", She had said. "It's alright if you're,it doesn't mean you're weak, it only means you're strong enough to handle it."

"And that is okay with you why?"

"I know you would not hurt me on purpose. You've always been strong, and caring that's why I call you Lion. Remember in grade 4 when I was bullied?"

We had laughed about how I had stood up for her and hit the bully. Those were the days.

"If we ever stop talking,send me a song. And I promise I will listen."

She had said looking all serious. And we had dated for a short while. It was so great but we had already been used to being friends and so it was a little weird sometimes.

We were so high up in a world of our own we ignored everyone around us. Our friend Martha felt so left out she got so mad at us. She started seeing some jerk who hurt her so bad. That's when we saw the damage that was done. We broke up and came to our friend's side.

As Mal laid in the hospital bed in the ICU, I so wished I had super powers to wake her up. Ryan refused to leave the hospital the whole time. He even yelled at one policeman who came to ask questions.

I had shot Dali in the shoulder but he kept on. The police came in when he shot Ryan and took him down.

I had minor bruises,the bullet only grazed Ryan's thigh.

Mal on the other hand had bruises all over her body, one punctured kidney, one broken leg and she had gotten dental work. She was still in a coma after two days.

Every time I saw that I wanted to really kill Dali instead of just two bullets. How could he hurt this beautiful soul.

After I had persuaded Ryan to go take a shower I sat in with Mal. Her Aunt was not back yet.

I held her hand. It was so cold.

"Hey my angel,you can't keep sleeping . You have to wake up,Ryan is going crazy here. And your Aunt needs you. You're strong, you're a fighter. Please hear me. I'm sorry I wasn't with you,but I will make it up to you. You have to wake up though. You know that really cheesy song you like by that cheesy boy band? I never got it."

I started to sing the song " incomplete" by Backstreet boys to her. And Ryan walked in and joined in.

By the time we finished we both had tears in our eyes.

Then I heard Ryan gasp. I looked at what he was looking at and saw tears from Mal's eyes. Then she moved her fingers in my hand.

We became very alert and transfixed on her. Slowly she opened her eyes and blinked. We were so ecstatic and called the doctor who made us leave the room.


Ten to fifteen minutes later, her Aunt, who I had called to come walked out of the room with the doctor.

"Please do not do or say anything that may overwhelm her, she is still in shock."The doctor said.

"She is asking for you two."

The smile on Ryan's face must have been plastered on mine too. We were so ecstatic.

"Hie Mal...."
She looked up and smiled.

"You guys look terrible." She said in a low, groggy voice.

Ryan took really quick steps towards her and held her hand in his ,tears in his eyes.

He kissed her forehead and then her lips.

A few minutes later, Mal started drifting into sleep. And we went out.

"The doctor said she needs to recover in a really good environment. But this place now is not good for her." Aunt Maya said.

"As long as she knows he is alive and here,she will never feel safe."

"What do you suggest we do then?"

"How about we take her to the USA?!"

"America? Are you crazy?"

"No! Hear me out Auntie, Ryan can take her there, and I will go and you can also go. We will all be with her. And if she chooses to come back here then so be it."

"It's alright with me if Aunt Maya and especially Mal agree."

" Ofcourse, and you can convince her."

"Why me?!"

" Well you guys are a thing right? And she trusts you."

"As much as I like the idea,i gotta consider what she says first."

If taking Mal out of her home country would get her better, I would go with her. She deserved her peace.

Everyone drifted off into their own thoughts for a few moments.
Then we were startled by screams from Mal's room. We rushed in while a doctor was called.

"Please stop! No! Please no!"

Mal cried and writhed in her sleep.
Ryan held her in his arms whispering softly to her.
The fear on Mal's face slowly subsided and she calmed down.

If my heart was not breaking before, now it definitely was. And I was really angry. Ryan locked eyes with me and nodded. He understood.

Hey guys, shout out to riyasjk19 ,thanks for the new cover.
Love it!!!!

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