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Contentment must be an elated feeling. Imagine feeling so satisfied with every little thing you have and that comes your way. It must be priceless and it was far from what I had been feeling lately.

I didn't get it at all, I was not in danger anymore, the nightmares had stopped a few months now,my fiancé was wonderful, my aunt was going to come back soon, my soon-to-be in-laws seemed to like me and I had my best friends in my life again. But why was I not completely happy.

Maybe it had something to do with how off Lionel seemed lately. And Ryan kept flashing this odd look whenever I mentioned his name. What was happening?

I was so lost in my thoughts I did not hear Ronald come in.

"Good afternoon my Lady!"

I turned around startled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you my Lady."

"It's okay my Lord, how are you?"

Ronald said I reminded him of a girl he met in high school who had acted alongside him in the play Romeo and Juliet as Lady Montague, so he charmed his way into calling me my Lady.

We chatted a little about his new job as a logistics consultant or something. He seemed very excited about it.

"So is my brother treating you well? He better be because you sure as hell are treating him like a king."

I chuckled to that. "He is. It's just that..."

"What? You can talk to me Mal, I won't tell, not even my brother.." The he wrote a symbol of the cross over his left side of the chest with his forefinger. "Promise."

"I don't know maybe it's just me, but it feels like he is distant with me lately, and I think Lionel is hiding something from me.... Maybe I'm being paranoid."

"No, not at all. Have you talked to either of them about this?"

"No, haven't gotten the chance, they seem to both evade me somehow."

"Well you have to try a lot more to talk to them,demand it if you have to. My brother loves you he has an explanation for it and Leo seems like a nice guy too. "

"You think so?"

"I know so, if they won't talk to you on their own will I will kidnap them for you."

We both laughed at that and went on chatting till we had to make dinner. Ron enjoyed making salads and dressing.

Then the door opened, Ryan came in looking all sorts of stressed out.

"Hey babe, you're in time for dinner."

" Hey Mal, Ron?! You're still here?"

"I told you I was having dinner bro."

"Yeah, I will be right back."

Ryan went upstairs and came back with jacket off and bag dropped and sleeves of his thin cotton blue shirt rolled up.

We got on with light conversation during dinner.


Ronald left as soon as dinner was over. I went on ahead to shower, I was waiting for Ryan to join me. But ten minutes in with no sign of him I gave up hope.

This was getting on my nerves, what did I do wrong? Why was he shutting me out?

I got out of the shower expecting to find him in bed, he was not there either.

I started descending the stairs and found him in his study working away on his computer.

" Hey Mal, I have to finish this, go on up to bed. Goodnight."

He said dismissing me without even giving me a second glance.

"Really Ryan?! What have I done? Why do you keep avoiding me?"

"Mal, I just need to finish this. I will be up."

"It's not just today Ryan, you've been doing that for the past two weeks."

"Malawi!! Please let me work in peace, I will be with you soon."

My mouth fell wide open, I did not even know what to say. Ryan had never been this cold to me before and it was not because of work. Something was off with him but if he did not want to talk to me about it and act childish, I will not stand and watch. We would have to talk it out.

I went up to bed and waited for him for almost two hours and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up around five in the morning and he was not beside me. I went to the guest room and there he was sprawled out on the bed. So he did not want to talk at all? Fine.

I packed a bag of clothes and necessities, left Kara a note about breakfast and to take care.

I went to Lionel's hotel to see him.

"Lala, why are you here?"

" What's wrong with me?!"


"My fiancé is avoiding me and for some reason my best friend is lying to me. "

"Mal, I was gonna talk to you about that...."

"Well, go on."

"Ryan called me out. He found out I had developed feelings for you again. "


"I had to figure out things on my own too, he told me I would have to talk to you about it when I had figured it out..."

"And I'm finding out about this just now?"

"He was really upset about it. And I'm sorry Lala. "

" So, you lying to me and him avoiding me and being upset with me is the solution?! Who gave you guys the right to decide for me?! "

I turned my around with my bag and walked out the room.

But I did not turn back. How can the two most wonderful men I know do something so cold and annoying.

I did not expect all of that. Maybe I should also expect the unexpected too. Expect nothing and anything. Maybe that's the life.

We on it. Promise.

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