24:Sweet nothings

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I had been engrossing myself in work for over two weeks now. I was trying so bad not to think Mal would leave me for Lionel. I tried hard to be civil about it. But when I thought hard about it,the two of them had history and she just seemed to add more ounces of energy whenever he was around. I was not ready for the love of my life to tell me she was into someone else,I felt insecure.

I had just finished filing the work plan for a meeting I had the next day when I saw my phone flash an incoming call from Kara. Why would she call me now?


"Mr Ryan, I'm sorry to bother you but Miss Mal did not tell me whether you'll be here for lunch or not."

"I won't be coming. I have too much to do Kara. But thanks."

"Will Miss Mal not be coming too or it's just you?"

What? What did she mean by that? Where had Mal gone? She was not supposed to go to work till next week!

"Kara, what are you talking about?"

"Miss Mal left this morning i thought she was going somewhere with you?"

My heart stilled for a moment, Mal left? Without telling me where she was going? Maybe she had gone to see Lionel. I could not help the jealousy that started creeping up my veins. I told Kara I would talk to her later and hung up.

I dialed Mal's number and it went straight to voicemail. I called Lionel next. The jealousy in me was turning into hot anger that had me sweating a little and clenching my fists.

"Ryan, what's up?"

"Is Mal with you?"

"Hello to you too."

"Just tell me Leo. I'm not playing."

"She was here but she left. She was very upset."

"Why was she upset? What did you do?"

"What do you think I did? I didn't do anything to her man! Are you that insecure now?"

"You are the one doing this to me!"

"Shut up. We can either argue all over about this now or find Mal now."

"Fine. I will check the community center, you check with Tamara."


I kept trying to call her as I got out of my office building and sped to the community center. She was not there either.

Lionel called me and said Tammy had not seen her too. We agreed to meet at Ron's place. He may be able to locate her.

We got there at the same time. He was just as panicked as I was. We were both afraid the things that had happened in the last year would happen again.

"So why was she upset with you?"

"Me? She is upset with both of us. I told her why I was keeping my distance. And she says you're avoiding her...."

Guilt ripped through me. I was caught up with my own insecurities I did not think what Mal was feeling while I was avoiding her. My jealousy got the better of me so bad that I shut her out, left her alone and acted like a jerk with her.

"I didn't even say goodbye to her this morning."

"Well, we kind of hurt her. We made her feel like she was not worth any explanation."

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

" I love her. But I'm getting over my feelings for her. She was just the person I thought I would live with for a time back and when you proposed I kind of felt like I won't be close to her anymore."

"So you're okay with all this?"

"Hey, I'm losing her to a better man. A man who became my brother. I'm alright with it. As long as you make her happy."

"I will. I just hope she forgives my stupid ass for hurting her."

We settled down in the living room after Ron's housekeeper let us in.
He came down with an unbuttoned shirt straight to me and punched me in the face.

"What the hell Ron?!"

"That's for being stupid brother! How can you do that to Mal. You even forgot about your date night last week and she was already annoyed with you yesterday."

"I know! But can you lecture me later?"

"Mal is not Tammy Ryan, she is different. She loves you, she is a keeper." He said handing me an ice pack for my jaw that he just punched.

"I know. I'm sorry. But please I need to find her. If I don't make it up to her, I don't know what I will do."

"You two are very stupid. A lying best friend and an absent fiancé. Classic. "

I started pacing back and forth phone in hand.

"Aarg. Will you sit down! You're giving me a headache!"

"I can't. I really have to find her."

"She's upstairs!"



"She is upstairs. She came here. If you upset her more, I will kick you out myself!"

Ron shouted at me as I quickly went up to his guest room.

Mal was laid on the bed. Headphones in her ears. She was asleep. Her face was tear stained. My heart broke. I had done this to her. I was the reason she had shed tears. I had failed her.

I sat down beside her taking her hand in mine. I caressed it softly.

Her eyes slowly opened and looked at me. She blinked so many times like she could not believe I was there.


"It's me my love. And I'm so sorry."

"Sorry I left or because you shut me out?"

"I'm sorry I failed you Mal. I'm sorry I left you alone. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm so sorry. I know this doesn't excuse my behavior in the past few days and I can't take it back now. But I'm very sorry. Give me a chance to make it up to you. To love you better. To try to give you what you deserve because I know I can't even begin to do do."

Mal sat upright and hugged me. She sobbed into my chest. And I kept whispering to her how much I loved her. After a while she calmed down and we just sat there in each other's arms.

"Promise me when you feel insecure you will talk to me about it and not just ignore me?"

"I promise."

"If you do it again I will just cut your face up."

I laughed a little.

"Mal, can we get married in two weeks? There is somewhere I want to take you."

"Yes Ry. We can."

One more chapter left. Thank you for coming this far with me.

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