12:Can we?

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I never understood how soccer fans feel when there are about four minutes left and their team is leading. Is it anxiety in what if the other team scores or excitement in that they have already won?

After the court hearing I felt like that. Dali was the kind of person who did not handle losing very well. I was afraid of what might happen to the point where I could not get enough sleep for two days.

Lionel came to the house to check on me often. Ryan was still at the house.

I tried to sleep but I just felt like someone was watching me. I got up from my room taking a blanket with me.
I knocked on a door. Ryan appeared with a sleepy face and looked at me.

"I can't sleep."

He hugged me close and led me into his room. We talked about nothing and soon sleep started drifting into my eyes.


He looked at me and I just could not help it, I kissed him. He chuckled into the kiss. Passionate slow yet firm. And then it got too hot and we both realized it. We broke it off for air and he kept peppering small kisses all over my face.

I could not help but smile and drift off to sleep.

When I woke up, his arm was draped over me and he was snoring lightly,his face gentle and peaceful.

I wished I could paint a picture of that. It was so adorable. I started lightly playing with his ear,he smiled and opened his eyes slowly. And then I remembered how he kept deleting some emails a day ago with a frown on his face.

His phone beeped for a third time and I took it to give it to him. It was an email from a Tamara something. I gave it to him and he had the same look when he saw it.

"What's wrong Ry?" I asked.

He sighed and shook his head. I started poking him.

" Mal, stop.." He said laughing.

" I won't stop till you tell me. Who is Tamara?"

" Fine. She is my ex. She is half the reason I came here." He said.

"Tamara and I dated for about a year and I gave her everything she wanted and she was pretty demanding. She is an aspiring actress. And then I took her with me to one of my business trips with some British and American colleagues and she cheated on me with a certain CEO. She lied to my face about it and stole some money I was going to open a company with. I was broken, not over the money but the hurt. She broke me so bad I wasn't eating properly and things started going downhill for two months. Then I remembered meeting Lionel who told me about Malawi. And I asked another friend what he knew. So I took a vacation and came here. I started getting myself together and I met you..."

I looked up at him.

" Mal, I am very grateful that I got to come here and meet you. I don't know if I can call it fate but I love it. And I want to keep us going. I want to know you and I together. Can we do that Mal, can we?"

I hesitated a little but he kissed me again and I thought maybe I could let myself be happy with him. He really seemed to care about me and respect me.

We decided he stay at the house for as long as he liked.

A few days later when I got into my room I found my window open. I got that feeling that someone was watching me.

" Mal, babe, I got a call from Martin, something went wrong at the company and I have to sort it out. I will be back soon as possible I just have to get some information from my laptop I left at the lodge."

"Alright. See you then." I said kissing him.

I slept for about an hour and heard footsteps. I guessed it was Ryan coming back or my Aunt.

Then my door opened and I smiled. Then I felt a hand on my thigh and the hair on the back of my neck stood. This was not Ryan. I turned and I stared straight into the devil's eyes.

"Hello my lovely,miss me?"

He kissed me forcefully and covered my nose and mouth with a cloth. I struggled against him till I felt my mind get foggy and darkness took over me.

This for my girl maramartha and all y'all voting and reading...much much love. She is incredible.😊 love y'all

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