13:Don't Blink

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Having a chance to love someone so amazing all over is an extraordinary feeling. It is the kind you want to hold or paint a picture of but you know it would never come close.

I was buzzing all over with excitement when my phone received a text from Mal.

"Gone for a walk."

Why would Mal be going out at ten in the night for a walk by herself? Perhaps she could not sleep again. I decided to hurry in sending the email and documents, I needed my Mal.


As I got closer to the house, a feeling of dread overcame me. I did not know why. I stopped in the driveway and just stayed in the car.
After several minutes I got out and went in.

"Hello Ryan."

"Hello Auntie,can't sleep?"

"Yes love. I don't feel so well. Trip fever I guess."

"You will be fine. I wish you a safe trip to Namibia."

"Thank you love."

"I have to check on Mal."

"Mal? Didn't she leave with you?"

My heart beat faster, I rushed up to her room and she was not there. I tried calling her phone but it was not available. Some items in her room were scattered. Suddenly fear gripped me. Mal was gone.

I called Lionel.

"Man, she is gone! I can't find her! She is not here!"

"Calm down Ryan,who is gone?"


"What?! I will be right over."

I looked up and down the house. Aunt Maya was slowly breaking down. She made calls to the police and friends.

"How can the police say that? I know she is an adult but she would never leave the house by herself without calling me first. And I know that bastard took her!"


Lionel shouted as he walked in. We briefed him on the events of the night. Then my phone rang,it was Mal.

"Baby where are you?"

" Baby?!!! You're already calling her that?!"

"What have you done with her you idiot?!"

"You shut up white boy! Listen carefully, if you ever want to see her again,bring me Lionel."

Then he hung up. I looked at Lionel.

"He wants me there, doesn't he? I'm just the fall guy. He really wants you."

"I know he does. We must come up with a plan."

That guy was with Mal. And I was pretty sure she was very scared at the time. I had to get her back to me. If I had not left, she would still be safe with me. Why must life get messed up when we have just started our story?

We had to come up with a better plan to get her back. I knew he wanted me and Lionel both dead. He will regret ever touching my girl.

Hey loves,sorry I'm late. Caught up with some stuff.
Love MO😄

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