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There were no words to describe how I felt. I did not really know that. How exactly do you feel after going through that? After having to leave a place you called home all your life? I did not know what I was supposed to feel.

I had agreed to go to America as the doctors and my family suggested it was good for me. I did not argue. I just wanted to be far away from all this for a while. I slept heavily between flights. It must have been the pain medication.

We had landed in the USA a week ago and went straight to the hospital. I was in the hospital for three days.

The nightmares were slowly becoming less. It was unbelievable how the same hands that gave comfort, no matter how little time they did could cause so much pain. Every time I thought of that, it felt like I was being hit over again.

One of the nurses gasped when she saw the now fading bruises as she dressed and cleaned the incision site. Her eyes became watery and I did not know what to do, I hated that look of sympathy. There was also some anger in it.

"I like your necklace, it's very unique." I said trying to ease her discomfort.

She smiled and told me how her mother gave her the necklace to always know she was with her.

She seemed nice. She stayed with me as Ryan filled in some documents so we could leave.

We stayed at Ryan's place. Lionel insisted he would be at a hotel nearby for a while. So it was Aunt Maya, Ryan and myself. There was also his housekeeper Kara who kept looking at me with questioning eyes at first. She warmed up to me two days later.


Another week later I felt better. The stitches had all been removed. The pain was not much. I could barely feel it.

I went to the hospital for a scheduled check up. The nurse from last time, Debbie showed me to the doctor's office as Ryan was parking the car. The other nurses looked at me and went about their work. One of them looked at me up and down.

Debbie went out and did not close the door.

"Is that the African patient you were gushing about the other day?" One nurse asked.

"Yes. Isn't she beautiful. She is so nice I'm so glad she is better." Debbie said.

" I bet she gave that handsome guy a sob story to make him feel bad for her or threatened him. She looks like a typical gold digger! You can't trust these foreigners...."

"Oh shut up Lisa! Just because you got conned by that man does not mean everyone from elsewhere is bad!"

" I tell you, she is not as....."

At that I shut out everything. I did not want to hear any more of her negativity. She would just give me a headache.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Ryan walked in,sat beside me and took my hand. I turned to see the doctor sat there on a chair. When did he get here?

" How are you Malawi?" The doctor asked.

"I'm alright."

"Are you sleeping well?"


I was really not in the mood for these things. The doctor was saying things and I lost attention. I saw a white rope in a clear plastic bag to my left. It was very similar to the one Dali used to tie me up. My body started trembling instantly.

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