21:Region of summer stars

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As the day grew older, my nervousness seemed to grow with it. How can you contain anxiety when you have your heart hanging by a tread?

I knew Mal would never hurt me intentionally but what if she was not ready to spend her life with me? I for sure hell was. Either way I promised myself I would respect whatever decision Mal would make that night.

I had tried as much as possible not to make Mal suspicious. That girl was gifted in figuring things out.

When evening came we all went out to dinner, making it look as random as possible.

"Hey my love, look who's here."

I whispered to her. She looked up and saw Lionel with her friend Martha. She took quick strides towards her and they embraced.

"Wow! Long time no seeing."

"I know right. I missed you. And I'm so sorry Mal, I was not there when you needed me most. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, that's history now. I'm fine really. How was China?"

They went on to talk about stuff while we took our seats. Me next to Mal, beside her was Martha and Lionel and Tamara. On my left was Aunt Maya, my mother and father and Kelvin my friend with his wife.

To my surprise my brother joined us. My brother and I used to be close before he decided to to wander the country. He became a drug addict and was recovering now.

I got up and gave him a hug which he returned with a sigh.

"My love, meet my brother Ronald. "

"You can call me Ron, I've heard so much about you."

"I'm Mal, likewise."
"Good things I hope, my little brother has a habit of exaggerating things.."

I rolled my eyes and Mal giggled. Good thing they were getting along. This dinner was going so well.


For entertainment we had a local band play and then karaoke. On queue the lead singer began singing to Mal, took her hand and led her to a loyal chair up the stage. She just kept smiling all over.

I got up to the stage flowers in my hand and knelt before her. She turned and saw me and gasped.

" I didn't know what love is till I met you, I know we've been through so much. Some good and some bad, and I want to keep going on this adventure that is life with you. I want to be the person that wakes up beside you every morning. I can't say things will be unicorn and rainbows, but I promise I will be with you in the rains and dark holding you. What I'm trying to say is: Malawi Mal Gama, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

She had tears in her eyes that I had to wipe here and there but she was smiling.

"Yes Ry, I will marry you...."

I could not let her finish I kissed her and the whole place applauded. This was a magical moment and we danced and the others did some more karaoke.

Our friends and family congratulated us. My brother took me aside.

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yes I do."

"I'm happy for you man. I want to have that someday. And I never thanked you for getting me out of that place. You saved me brother. I'm so sorry for putting our family through that pain..."

"Ron, it's okay. No one is holding that against you. You will get through this brother."

We went back to the others when dad and Lionel stopped me to talk.

"You have to be a husband twenty four hours seven days a week. Keep in mind." Lionel said fist bumping me and left me and dad.

" He's right you know. Your mother and I have been together for thirty years. Best years might I add."

"Darling let our son go and dance with his fiancee, she might miss him terribly." My mother said dragging my father away.

I went on to dance with my Mal.

"So, you had this all planned out?"

Mal asked her hands around my neck.

"Yes my love, you like?"

"Oh yes!"

I looked behind her and saw my brother dancing with Tammy, and Lionel with Martha.

" Martha seems nice...."

"She is. She likes Lion you know? And I'm pretty sure Tammy is into your brother."


But she was right. They would figure it out just like Kelvin and I had.

"So should we give it a week or a month?"

"Ooh wow Mr Ryan, so fast?"

We laughed a little and agreed we would get married in three months.

"I met Kara's kid today, she is amazing! Wants me to tutor her science and have a girls day tomorrow."

"Wow! You guys hit it off that quick?"

"What can I say,I'm awesome!"

"Yes you're baby."

We headed back home and we were exhausted.



"I never thanked you for being there for me. Meeting you was the best thing ever to me. With you I found myself and more. And I want you to know I love you so much, I would never trade this experience, this adventure for anything."

"You're amazing you know."

I said kissing her and she was amazing, I'm glad I was there all along this journey with her. I prayed I would be around her for more years to come.

 I prayed I would be around her for more years to come

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This is probably the end. I will update you on things to come. Haven't decided whether to go with a sequel on Tammy and Ron. Will have to think about it.
Thank you all for being there.
Love MO.😘😘😘

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