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A few days after Ryan had found me, my aunt arrived. She had gone out of the country and came back to support me at the hearing which was in a few days

When I went in to work, there were stares and whispers all about the office. Some were even sneering at me.

My boss decided I should rest for a while. It was more for the good of the place than mine.

My lawyer James, came in and out to discuss the case. It involved what I had to say and when. It was exhausting.

" Was that your lawyer who just left?"


"Mmhh," he hummed, "I don't like him Mal."

I stared at him mouth open. What was wrong with this guy.

"What do you mean you don't like him? You haven't interacted with him that much."

"I just feel like he is not doing something right."

"Oh come on. Let's see how the hearing goes, okay?"

He nodded and sighed. We stood there looking at each other then he took my hand in his. He was about to pull me close when we heard my aunt clear her throat.

"La, Ryan, lunch is ready."

We followed my aunt to the dining table. Aunt Maya was a queen in the kitchen she insisted on making me food every time I was with her. She had taken a strange liking to Ryan that I did not understand. They were instant friends and she had promised him a wonderful Malawian home cooked meal.

I was anxious about the hearing. I had a feeling it would be bad. My aunt and Ryan seemed to sense that so they kept trying to distract me.

When my lawyer came that evening Ryan insisted he should be there. James looked uncomfortable but he had no choice.

"Why would you want her to leave out the fact that he cheated on her multiple times and the emotional abuse?" Ryan asked after James laid out the plan for the hearing.

"I'm not saying it's not important but it's her word against his. He will play dirty."

" Then what's the point in hell of having a damn lawyer if we know we will lose?!!!" He yelled.

"You don't know how this works here."

"Oh,yeah?! Mal you better have a better plan than that otherwise why are we even going?!"

"Ry, please calm down."

After a few more moments of disapproval he calmed down. I convinced James that the cheating part was important. He agreed to put it into the plan with hesitation. That was a little suspicious.

I insisted James stay for dinner. After we were halfway into the dinner,i excused myself for the bathroom.
I passed by the living room where James's files were. Something prompted me to check it out.

A very familiar red and branded stick note stared at me with a familiar number. It was Dali's office address and time.

I browsed through the file and it was all crap that would get me to an extreme fail. He was working for Dali in setting me up to fail.

I took out my phone out of my pocket and took pictures of it.

I returned to the table like nothing was wrong. Ryan kept asking if I was okay. I had an urge to throw up and excused myself quickly running to the bathroom. My aunt and Ryan following close behind. Aunt Maya was asking Ryan what was wrong which he didn't know.

"Is she okay?"

I heard James ask. He was a little twerp. Very good liar. I guess liar and lawyer go together after all. A month ago I would have been too scared to do anything. Now that scared girl was gone. I was way better and stronger.
James and Dali did not know, they were playing with fire.

Sorry for late update,been very busy.🎤🎤🎤🎤💋💋🎤🎤

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